Looks like we're off!

Looks like we're off!



Original Poster:

1,902 posts

261 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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Having lived in the Auvergne for almost 8 happy years, we're moving on.

FIL is getting on in years, lives in Spain and has no other family near him.

We've tried him moving up to live with us, but basically it's just too cold here for him after 20 plus years in Spain, plus where he lives is nice enough and only 25 mins from the coast.

We had 4 different estate agencies give us a valuation, and went with the one who seemed the most motivated to sell, plus she actually estimated it at the highest ( but not by much ) band of selling prices, oh and she's one of our neighbours hehe.

So we put the house on the market on Friday.....

Monday morning, I get a text, can we do a viewing tonight?

OK says we.

Viewing goes well yesterday evening - full asking price cash offer this afternoon!!

Merde! eek

Anyone know a decent removals company Clermont Ferrand area to Murcia?


434 posts

179 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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Good luck in the next phase of you life .I would like to thank you for the good information you have given me .We always think of you when we go to the LAC DE PONTY don't know if it's near you .Bon Voyage. Ps will we have to check the Spanish thread for updates?


6,269 posts

198 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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For the removal, you could try https://www.murrayharper.com/

Matthew, the owner, has a holiday place in the Dordogne but is based in Estepona. He moved us into Loire Valley from the UK in 2005, and then down to Spain last September.


Original Poster:

1,902 posts

261 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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Cheers Harry, yes the lake is just over an hour from us, lovely place.


Original Poster:

1,902 posts

261 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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rdjohn said:
For the removal, you could try https://www.murrayharper.com/

Matthew, the owner, has a holiday place in the Dordogne but is based in Estepona. He moved us into Loire Valley from the UK in 2005, and then down to Spain last September.
Thanks for that John, I've put him on the list.


4,637 posts

208 months

Wednesday 17th May 2023
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Rushjob could you give an idea of how easy/hard moving from France to Spain is,visa wise etc.

Spain appeals but I’m still on the fence regarding summer temperatures and water shortages.


Original Poster:

1,902 posts

261 months

Wednesday 17th May 2023
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smifffymoto said:
Rushjob could you give an idea of how easy/hard moving from France to Spain is,visa wise etc.

Spain appeals but I’m still on the fence regarding summer temperatures and water shortages.
A lot depends on your status in France.

If you have a permanent TDS, then you can effectively transfer your residence to Spain.

You still need to comply with the Visa rules, we're mirroring the non-lucrative visa so we need to show that we can support ourselves for the first 5 years of residence at which point we can apply for permanent residence there.

Currently for 2 of us, we have to show an income of 36,000€ per year which can be either pension, rental or other non working income such as rental, or savings, or a mix of any / all mentioned which is covered by pensions for us.

You then need either a UK form S1 or EU equivalent, or private health insurance for the first year, after which you can either continue with private or enrol on the Convenio Especial health insurance which is currently 59€ per month each till 65, then 157€ per month till you get your S1 ( 67 for me!)

Various bits of paperwork needed but no need for the Visa if you are in a similar position to us which also means we can apply in spain when we get there rather than having to go through a Spanish Consulate in France before you move as my experience with the Lyon consulate has been a nightmare, but that has now been avoided due to the TDS loophole.

Temporary residence needs renewing at year 2 and year 4 then year 5 you can then apply for permanent.

We've been put in contact with a company in Spain who have done similar FR to ES moves for UK passport holders with French TDS's and they charge 250€ plus VAT to sort the application for you.

I was down there a few weeks ago and arranges an appointment with the company and they seem competent and have a good reputation locally.

I'll keep the thread updated as things move on.....


6,269 posts

198 months

Thursday 18th May 2023
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From my own reading having a resident's visa from one EU country is no guarantee of being granted residency in Spain. Each application is considered on its own merits.

An NLV has a requirement that you do not leave Spain for more than 10-weeks, in 5-years. I cannot find anywhere where someone has had their visa rescinded for breaking that rule. But post-Brexit situations are not yet fully developed.

We did not want to be there during the summer because of heat and crowds and so went down the Golden visa route. We certainly did not get any preferential treatment and needed 12-months health insurance, as well as our French Criminal record check, we also had to swear that we did not have criminal records in any other country as well as prove that our 50-year old marriage certificate was still valid. We now have our French visa valid until 2032 and a Spanish visa.

The Gestoria who did the transfer of my French car to Spanish plates did assure me that she had spoken to the local Police and if we surrendered our French visa, then they could provide a 3rd-country national tourist visa, which could be upgraded. We were not convinced, our visas were issued in Madrid and the National Police arranged our TIEs once they had the paperwork from Madrid.

I think joining family members who are already resident is a very strong motive for a NLV, there is a page on Facebook owned by a couple who arrange NLVs, it might be worth reading some of the stuff that they handle GoSpain - run by Linden Greensitt, they clearly do good knowledge of what might be involved and how best to make your visa applications

We ended up using our local Spanish lawyer, that cost €3500, but in my opinion, was essential for quickly achieving success.

Edited by rdjohn on Thursday 18th May 14:11


Original Poster:

1,902 posts

261 months

Friday 19th May 2023
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rdjohn said:
From my own reading having a resident's visa from one EU country is no guarantee of being granted residency in Spain. Each application is considered on its own merits.

An NLV has a requirement that you do not leave Spain for more than 10-weeks, in 5-years. I cannot find anywhere where someone has had their visa rescinded for breaking that rule. But post-Brexit situations are not yet fully developed.

We did not want to be there during the summer because of heat and crowds and so went down the Golden visa route. We certainly did not get any preferential treatment and needed 12-months health insurance, as well as our French Criminal record check, we also had to swear that we did not have criminal records in any other country as well as prove that our 50-year old marriage certificate was still valid. We now have our French visa valid until 2032 and a Spanish visa.

The Gestoria who did the transfer of my French car to Spanish plates did assure me that she had spoken to the local Police and if we surrendered our French visa, then they could provide a 3rd-country national tourist visa, which could be upgraded. We were not convinced, our visas were issued in Madrid and the National Police arranged our TIEs once they had the paperwork from Madrid.

I think joining family members who are already resident is a very strong motive for a NLV, there is a page on Facebook owned by a couple who arrange NLVs, it might be worth reading some of the stuff that they handle GoSpain - run by Linden Greensitt, they clearly do good knowledge of what might be involved and how best to make your visa applications

We ended up using our local Spanish lawyer, that cost €3500, but in my opinion, was essential for quickly achieving success.

Edited by rdjohn on Thursday 18th May 14:11
There is actually a mechanism for exchanging your permanent residence, I've already consulted with Venetia at GoSpain on this. It's basically the same requirements as for the Visa, but the difference is there is no need to obtain the actual visa and the application can go via the local Immigration office once you are there.

I'm in contact with a couple of folks who are further along in the same procedure so I can learn from their experience.......

Worst case scenario will be having to obtain the Visa but we qualify easily anyway

I'm in touch with Malcolm, thanks for the steer in his direction.


6,269 posts

198 months

Friday 19th May 2023
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Rushjob said:
There is actually a mechanism for exchanging your permanent residence, I've already consulted with Venetia at GoSpain on this. It's basically the same requirements as for the Visa, but the difference is there is no need to obtain the actual visa and the application can go via the local Immigration office once you are there.

I'm in contact with a couple of folks who are further along in the same procedure so I can learn from their experience.......

Worst case scenario will be having to obtain the Visa but we qualify easily anyway

I'm in touch with Malcolm, thanks for the steer in his direction.
I was speaking with Linden this time last year and he did not mention that possibility. Exchanging one residence for another EU residence seems a reasonable approach. However, as I mentioned, Spanish bureaucracy seemed to be anything but reasonable - and we thought France was difficult.

I suspect that new guidance and policies could be being developed all the time.

When you speak with Malcolm, dont forget to call him Matthew smile


Original Poster:

1,902 posts

261 months

Friday 19th May 2023
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rdjohn said:
When you speak with Malcolm, dont forget to call him Matthew smile
hehe In my defence it was early..........


6,269 posts

198 months

Friday 19th May 2023
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Rushjob said:
rdjohn said:
When you speak with Malcolm, dont forget to call him Matthew smile
hehe In my defence it was early..........
It was early when I read your reply and I was thinking “who the heck is Malcolm, why did I not speak with him about visas”.


Original Poster:

1,902 posts

261 months

Monday 12th February
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Well, to bring this to a close, we're finally off on Friday.

We actually sold up at the end of August, spent nearly 3 months in Spain with FIL, buying a house whilst we were there.

Returned to France at the end of November and spent a couple of weeks. getting all the documents together for our visas and submitted it all to the Lyon consulate just before Xmas.

Picked up the visas last Thursday, spent the last few days saying goodbye to friends and we're currently cleaning the house we were loaned by friends and packing up our luggage etc prior to heading south at the end of the week.

Cheers France, it was fun.


434 posts

179 months

Tuesday 13th February
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Good luck with the move , look forward to your exploits in the Spanish thread.


19,325 posts

210 months

Tuesday 13th February
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Good to see a story about what was clearly a great experience and no regrets. Best for the next chapter !