Any news from Shorty ?

Any news from Shorty ?



Original Poster:

1,274 posts

289 months

Wednesday 16th October 2002
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I know this man is busy but is there any news how large the Shorty troops will be at Zolder. I have to order the pie this coming weekend and would like to have a figure.


167 posts

283 months

Thursday 17th October 2002
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half of spa!!!


Original Poster:

1,274 posts

289 months

Thursday 17th October 2002
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Excellent, see you in next week.


850 posts

289 months

Thursday 17th October 2002
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Err, what is happening at Zolder? And when?



Original Poster:

1,274 posts

289 months

Thursday 17th October 2002
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Last round of the Belcar championship next week (26th/27th) with Shorty competing in the Mosler.


24 posts

287 months

Monday 21st October 2002
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We leave thursday am for the delights of belcar and belgian beer. Mr Veryplast and Deutsche Bank are our sponsors for the weekend, and have allowed us to put Mr Pullen in the car for further ritual abuse by myself.....actually as a thank you for being such a great team mate this year.

Really looking forward to it prior to leaving for Bathurst......


Original Poster:

1,274 posts

289 months

Monday 21st October 2002
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Excellent, see you on saturday morning.


87 posts

265 months

Sunday 27th October 2002
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1st in class - 11th Overall - not bad for our first outing in the Belcar Championship.

Thank you to Hansgerd for supplying the pies!!!



Original Poster:

1,274 posts

289 months

Monday 28th October 2002
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Excellent result on a more than stormy weekend !!! Good luck in Australia in three weeks.


85 posts

275 months

Wednesday 30th October 2002
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There are plans for a live webcast of the Bathurst 24 á la Radio Le Mans; I hope the project will come together.

(very nice report, hansgerd )


Original Poster:

1,274 posts

289 months

Wednesday 30th October 2002
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Hey Cyber, you found this... warum nicht in Deutsch ? Das ist deutlich einfacher und es gibt immer noch genug Leute die es verstehen. Mittlerweile ist der Link ja sehr trickreich zu finden. Herzlichen Glückwunsch, du hast es trotzdem geschafft. Ich weiß jetzt nicht ganz wie das mit den Startplätzen war. Martin hat in DSC geschrieben, daß er von Platz 17 gestartet ist. Das glaube ich nicht, weil ich Sonntag morgen nochmal am Brett nachgeschaut habe und er offiziell auf Platz 13 im Qually geführt worden ist. Anyway, auf jeden Fall ein großes Lob an Martin & seine Leute und auch ein großes Danke an Winnie Moore, der beim Tankstopp eingesprungen ist. Er war ja leider beim Rennen verhindert, hoffentlich klappt's im nächsten Jahr besser. Was ist eigentlich aus dem Skyline geworden ? Viele Fragen an dich... ich weiß, daß du Antworten parat hast... raus damit. Zurück zum Thema, den Mosler muß man gesehen und gehört haben, ein phantastisches Auto, mir wären fast die Ohren abgefallen als der Wagen in der Garage gestartet wurde. Hoffentlich sehen wir den mal in LM. Graham, you're right, there's a 'D' missing at the back. It should be GlaDwin's... Das erinnert mich jetzt an's Glücksrad, wieso nur ?

>edited because I'm still too dump to post in my home language. In short, 13th position at start is correct, it's GlaDwins with a "D" (There were more faces looking than before, so this was a good media trick by leaving the D away) rightly spotted, Graham. And finally, thank you Mr. Moore for your help at the pit stop. What happened to the Skyline ?

What a long post... and now it's your turn, Cyber.

I was wrong... starting position 17 was correct.

>> Edited by Hansgerd on Wednesday 30th October 21:11

>> Edited by hansgerd on Friday 1st November 12:27


85 posts

275 months

Thursday 31st October 2002
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Hansgerd said: Hey Cyber, you found this... warum nicht in Deutsch ?

I have a feeling the others wouldn't appreciate that...

Herzlichen Glückwunsch, du hast es trotzdem geschafft.

Gellja. Vor mir versteckt man so leicht nix. You can run but you can't hide!

Was ist eigentlich aus dem Skyline geworden ?

Which one? Zu deutsch: wöchener?
Das Falken-Auto war Ring Only, der englische ist schlichtweg nie aufgetaucht, aber warum... - k.A.

Graham, you're right, there's a 'D' missing at the back. It should be GlaDwin's...

Gladwin's, Goodwin's - so many wins, so little time...

Das erinnert mich jetzt an's Glücksrad, wieso nur ?

Wieso, wars Ernstl auch dort?
"I lost on Jeopardy, baby..."
I need to sleep.

What happened to the Skyline ?

I DON'T KNOW! - Weren't they unhappy about the proposed handicapping? (are 4wd cars legal in Belcar at all...?)


Original Poster:

1,274 posts

289 months

Thursday 31st October 2002
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cybersdorf said: Weren't they unhappy about the proposed handicapping? (are 4wd cars legal in Belcar at all...?)

Mhh, I don't know, a look in the regs will tell . Moore and Cox raced the car twice in Belcar and last year in the 24 hours of the Ring. The engine blew at Spa (Belcar) during the qualifying and from then on I haven't seen the Skyline any more, only their BMW. Nearly everthing is legal in the guest category of Belcar, see Martin's Mosler or better still... Kuismanen's Audi 80 . That would have been highly illegal elsewhere . Still, I loved the turbo whizzz . I wish them better luck for next year.

Noch was... war der Falken nicht ein anderer ?

>> Edited by Hansgerd on Thursday 31st October 20:34

>> Edited by Hansgerd on Thursday 31st October 20:42


85 posts

275 months

Monday 4th November 2002
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Hansgerd said:
Noch was... war der Falken nicht ein anderer ?

Sag ich ja!/Say I yes!
Incidentally... -

Moore and Cox raced the car twice in Belcar and last year in the 24 hours of the Ring.
- I am looking for info on the Moore International Motorsport team, do they have a web site somewhere?


Original Poster:

1,274 posts

289 months

Monday 4th November 2002
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I don't think so or better, not that I know of.


85 posts

275 months

Monday 4th November 2002
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hansgerd said: I don't think so or better, not that I know of.

Thought so. They and Duller Motorsport are the "stealth brigade" of endurance racing. They pop up at races around the globe, and then disappear again without trace...


Original Poster:

1,274 posts

289 months

Tuesday 5th November 2002
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85 posts

275 months

Wednesday 6th November 2002
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hansgerd said: Exactly...

But I'll find them, just you wait!!
(btw - Id appreciate it if you could have a look at and tell me what you think)

Alright, so now that we know about Martin Short's plans, how about some news on The Snot - will we ever see that car in action again?

>> Edited by cybersdorf on Wednesday 6th November 21:34


Original Poster:

1,274 posts

289 months

Thursday 7th November 2002
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Whow, that's great !!! I know you're site still from it's beginnings. You did a great job there. That must be the most complete database of drivers, teams and manufacturers.


85 posts

275 months

Saturday 9th November 2002
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hansgerd said: Whow, that's great !!! I know you're site still from it's beginnings. You did a great job there. That must be the most complete database of drivers, teams and manufacturers.

Working on it.
If you know of a team/driver/manufacturer that's missing please drop me a line and I'll rectify that.