The Official Tottenham Hotspur thread [Vol 14]

The Official Tottenham Hotspur thread [Vol 14]



Original Poster:

23,156 posts

169 months

Wednesday 3rd November 2021
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7,619 posts

215 months

Wednesday 3rd November 2021
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in before the trolls and conte wins something

edit: Smarty, you need to up your game and keep the riff raff out this time, though i appreciate it might take a few years to get to the next volume if you do


45,503 posts

208 months

Wednesday 3rd November 2021
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I think Conte has taken the club as far as he can and should be sacked.

(I'll quote this as being extremely prescient in a year's time).


19,557 posts

216 months

Wednesday 3rd November 2021
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I have a selection of Conti gifs primed and loaded. Hopefully enough to get through to January hehe


9,048 posts

293 months

Wednesday 3rd November 2021
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Has he got his work permit yet ?
We're trying to hire someone from South Africa and it's been...painful.... dealing with UK Visa's & Immigration.


225 posts

68 months

Wednesday 3rd November 2021
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14,579 posts

159 months

Wednesday 3rd November 2021
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juice said:
Has he got his work permit yet ?
We're trying to hire someone from South Africa and it's been...painful.... dealing with UK Visa's & Immigration.
Apparently not yet, which is why he was only allowed to observe training yesterday. I assume it will come through today, as he is reported to be in the dugout on Thursday and I think it would be difficult for him not to get involved if he's sat in the dugout.


23,439 posts

226 months

Wednesday 3rd November 2021
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Antonio Conte said:
You don’t eat for 10 in a 100 euro restaurant, do you?
I wonder how long before he comes out with, 'Chi ha il pane non ha I denti, chi ha I denti non ha il pane.'


45,503 posts

208 months

Wednesday 3rd November 2021
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Glassman. Is there a Plan B for TVR windscreens now that factory has closed? Or, will a smashed windscreen write some cars off?


23,439 posts

226 months

Wednesday 3rd November 2021
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Blib said:

Glassman. Is there a Plan B for TVR windscreens now that factory has closed? Or, will a smashed windscreen write some cars off?

Spoke to Racing Green - the TVR parts people I have always used - and they don't know what will happen either. My guess is that the tooling will need to be acquired, and if TVR want to stop the likes of RG using the TVR name for their parts counter, perhaps they might have a bit more of an interest in preserving the legacy and invest in the heritage side of matters. That's if there is any appetite at all.

The aftermarket manufacturers will keep going, and their 'screens still won't fit. I refuse to fit TVR windscreens if they're not genuine.


45,503 posts

208 months

Wednesday 3rd November 2021
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Thanks for that.

I should get you to replace my 964's screen. However, it seems that everytime you take an old Porsche's windscreen out you find extensive rot.

You scare me! hehe


70,109 posts

228 months

Wednesday 3rd November 2021
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19,557 posts

216 months

Wednesday 3rd November 2021
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Spend all the money on Skriniar and De Ligt. That's the most important position sorted for the next 7 to 8 years.


5,177 posts

134 months

Wednesday 3rd November 2021
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14,984 posts

119 months

Wednesday 3rd November 2021
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48k said:
juice said:
Has he got his work permit yet ?
We're trying to hire someone from South Africa and it's been...painful.... dealing with UK Visa's & Immigration.
Apparently not yet, which is why he was only allowed to observe training yesterday. I assume it will come through today, as he is reported to be in the dugout on Thursday and I think it would be difficult for him not to get involved if he's sat in the dugout.
I'd suspect that like all high profile cases his visa will be fast-tracked through the system.


30,331 posts

184 months

Wednesday 3rd November 2021
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48k said:
juice said:
Has he got his work permit yet ?
We're trying to hire someone from South Africa and it's been...painful.... dealing with UK Visa's & Immigration.
Apparently not yet, which is why he was only allowed to observe training yesterday. I assume it will come through today, as he is reported to be in the dugout on Thursday and I think it would be difficult for him not to get involved if he's sat in the dugout.
These things must get fast tracked when the government sees they're going to be earning £12m a year or thereabouts?


19,063 posts

204 months

Wednesday 3rd November 2021
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Lovely and fresh smell in here


45,503 posts

208 months

Wednesday 3rd November 2021
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Cie said:
Lovely and fresh smell in here
Though, you seem to have brought a whiff of something rank in with you. hehe


14,579 posts

159 months

Wednesday 3rd November 2021
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Cie said:
Lovely and fresh smell in here
Well, there was. tongue out


19,063 posts

204 months

Wednesday 3rd November 2021
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Aww look at you two smile