New TVR still under wraps! (Vol. 3)

New TVR still under wraps! (Vol. 3)



Original Poster:

23,212 posts

169 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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11,629 posts

255 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Oooh. I love a new volume. Is there a new TVR then? smile


13,645 posts

154 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Weh Hey, VOLUME 3.
So much has already been written, by so many, about so little.

I don't think I have seen a photo of the three quarter rear before.
Certainly not the best view of the car. A most peculiar rear shape.
The overall rectangular slab width, makes the wing look so narrow.


12,078 posts

172 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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I’ll post this again then smile


27,479 posts

242 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Just to set the scene we need pictures of chillies as well.


22,100 posts

215 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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The Supra looks so wide compared to the Aston…….

Modern cars just get bigger and bigger! The mini is now a joke.


27,479 posts

242 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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baconsarney said:
I’ll post this again then smile

I prefer the AM rear end I must say, the Supra looks a bit droopy, and too fussy.


13,645 posts

154 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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baconsarney said:
I’ll post this again then smile

Different designs can create illusions. Are the two cars of similar widths, Richard ?

The other illusion question is; will they even fit through the open garage doors ?


8,137 posts

154 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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phazed said:
The Supra looks so wide compared to the Aston…….

Modern cars just get bigger and bigger! The mini is now a joke.
Even Lotus are at it!


12,078 posts

172 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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I think they're similar widths Jon, the right hand side under the car port is slightly lower than the left which makes the Supra look quite tall, but even so the Aston is definitely lower.. Aston fits in the garage with about 2-3" clear either side with the mirrors folded in smile

To be fair the Supra (in that colour) looks much better in the flesh than in the photo.....


1,773 posts

70 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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It’s an optical illusion. The Aston is 1942 mm wide. The Toyota is 1854.


12,078 posts

172 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Monkeylegend said:
Just to set the scene we need pictures of chillies as well.
First Naga's, few years ago now smile

Edited by baconsarney on Friday 22 October 10:43

Just to add, that's an orange bottom left, made chilli marmalade, it was furking awesome smile

Edited by baconsarney on Friday 22 October 10:44

Jurgen Schmidt

827 posts

212 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Oh what could have been


21,571 posts

155 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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ON topic - here's what's under the front end - not an electric motor in sight


13,357 posts

280 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Have they fixed that (factory) roof yet?


12,078 posts

172 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Jurgen Schmidt said:
Oh what could have been

Spot on there Jurgen smile


71,023 posts

228 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Jon39 said:

Weh Hey, VOLUME 3.
So much has already been written, by so many, about so little.

I don't think I have seen a photo of the three quarter rear before.
Certainly not the best view of the car. A most peculiar rear shape.
The overall rectangular slab width, makes the wing look so narrow.

In the flesh though it looks much better than the photos suggest. Just a shame it was never built (more than the 1 demo)


282 posts

185 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Jon39 said:

Weh Hey, VOLUME 3.
So much has already been written, by so many, about so little.

I don't think I have seen a photo of the three quarter rear before.
Certainly not the best view of the car. A most peculiar rear shape.
The overall rectangular slab width, makes the wing look so narrow.

It looks like a Barry Boys F Type body kit on a MR2


71,023 posts

228 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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I think the dash would need an update - it had such a small screen before

and the back looked fine in the flesh

But then this was always the best angle


1,276 posts

165 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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I've not looked at the pics for over a year. ...and I have concluded that yes, it looks terrible. It was never that good, but with age it should have mellowed/grown on me... but it looks dreadful.

Such a shame.