

Dr Jekyll

Original Poster:

23,820 posts

264 months

Tuesday 27th October 2020
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I thought they were going extinct, but apparently a new one is going to open in Bourne End, near Marlow.


Great news for those of us with unsophisticated tastes who nevertheless like to sit down in some comfort and eat our fast food with knife and fork.


23,814 posts

224 months

Tuesday 27th October 2020
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What unit is that taking in Bourne End OOI ?

Dr Jekyll

Original Poster:

23,820 posts

264 months

Tuesday 27th October 2020
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Between the fish and chip shop and the Rennie Grove charity shop.


7,936 posts

76 months

Tuesday 27th October 2020
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I used to spend quite a bit of time in this one during the 1980's... Friars Square, Aylesbury!!

Thought most Wimpy's closed years ago.....!!


173 posts

179 months

Tuesday 27th October 2020
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This is massive news. Having moved from North Norfolk to Marlow I am missing my Wimpy fix, I never thought I'd see one outside of a decomposing seaside town. Might switch our anniversary reservation from the Hand and Flowers.


23,814 posts

224 months

Tuesday 27th October 2020
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Ah OK.

Dr Jekyll

Original Poster:

23,820 posts

264 months

Tuesday 27th October 2020
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GGibbo said:
This is massive news. Having moved from North Norfolk to Marlow I am missing my Wimpy fix, I never thought I'd see one outside of a decomposing seaside town. Might switch our anniversary reservation from the Hand and Flowers.
There was one in Marlow until about 5 years ago.


602 posts

149 months

Tuesday 27th October 2020
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Turn7 said:
What unit is that taking in Bourne End OOI ?
The old Natwest smile


7,334 posts

247 months

Tuesday 27th October 2020
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There's one in Loughton Essex which I go to now and then... Usually with a gap long enough to forget how a quarterpounder with cheese and chips hits my stomach like a brick

Leon R

3,243 posts

99 months

Tuesday 27th October 2020
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There is one in my home town.

Occasionally we will have something from there.


8,766 posts

96 months

Tuesday 27th October 2020
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There is still one in Peterborough, mmm half pounder and chips.


2,807 posts

193 months

Tuesday 27th October 2020
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Nobody has uttered bender-in-a-bun yet? I thought wimpy was dead, ours turned into a starburger decades ago, since departed. As a kid it was my only awareness of anything approaching fast-food, a genuine birthday treat, and nothing more extravagant as an annual event. How times have changed!


13,861 posts

241 months

Tuesday 27th October 2020
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I thought there were still loads of them? Anyway, we weren’t allowed McDonald’s as kids (too common smile ) but a wimpy burger and chips, and a brown derby, was alright by me,


57 months

Tuesday 27th October 2020
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Everyone loves a Pork Bender.


629 posts

53 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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I went to one last year out of curiosity. Had a half-pounder with chips. It was identical to the kebab shop burger and chips, which is not a bad thing but way more expensive than a kebab shop it was incidentally run by Turkish people.


7,032 posts

108 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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There's one in Billericay. In 26 years I've been in there once, I seem to remember the lamb burger was quite nice.


7,334 posts

247 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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bigandclever said:
I thought there were still loads of them? Anyway, we weren’t allowed McDonald’s as kids (too common smile ) but a wimpy burger and chips, and a brown derby, was alright by me,
I'd forgotten about the brown derby. Dessert of Kings.

It more than makes up Wimpy's milkshakes which aren't even on the same planet as MacDonald's.


4,823 posts

198 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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There is one on the pier in Southsea never been... might give it a try at the weekend.

Like Vegas if it was built by the council :P


11,662 posts

212 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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Only one left in Devon now (Barnstaple) after my nearest in Newton Abbot closed a couple of years ago frown


9,314 posts

148 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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The last one I ate in was in Stowmarket about four years ago. It was so-so but I still try another if the opportunity arises.