Painting damaged rendered wall of house & removing old paint

Painting damaged rendered wall of house & removing old paint



Original Poster:

633 posts

158 months

Saturday 11th July 2020
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Hi All

I need to paint the render/ wall of my house that had ivy growing up it.

It looks a bit of a mess (see photo) and I think I will have to somehow remove the original paint which is flaking off and sound in some areas, or paint over it . But I am concerned just painting over it will not cover the flaking / patchy areas .

Any ideas on how to go about this and what products to use please?




13,130 posts

179 months

Saturday 11th July 2020
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I'd jet wash it, then wire brush it, then jet wash it again to remove any dust / loose bits.


65 months

Saturday 11th July 2020
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RC1807 said:
I'd jet wash it, then wire brush it, then jet wash it again to remove any dust / loose bits.
And then call in a rendering company to re-render wink


Original Poster:

633 posts

158 months

Saturday 11th July 2020
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Would a normal cold jet wash remove it and not damage the render or would it have to be a steam jet wash?
Thanks alot


11,037 posts

265 months

Saturday 11th July 2020
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The idea of the jetwashing is to remove anything that's loose - a decent cold jet washer will work but don't go overboard on pressure - a car fan spray attachment will be fine. If the render itself is failing, rather it fall off now than after a harsh winter and all your new paint falling off.


Original Poster:

633 posts

158 months

Saturday 11th July 2020
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I think the render is fine. Would it be worth using some sort of paint remover as. I don’t think the paint will come off with a pressure washer alone, the paint that has not been affected by the Ivy is still very sound


16,810 posts

181 months

Saturday 11th July 2020
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Whatever you do will always be more work in the long run.

Any properties we bought that were rendered had k-rend applied over the top.

Not cheap but never had to paint them again.


557 posts

279 months

Yesterday (09:23)
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have a similar issue with section of wall of a garage; the paint is slacking off and I need to repaint , whats is the best way to do this?


Original Poster:

633 posts

158 months

Yesterday (12:05)
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I ended up removing as much as I could with scraper/wire brush and then just painted it again, it doesn't look too bad


1,896 posts

20 months

Yesterday (12:55)
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Giving the bald areas a coat of PVA will help seal the edges of the paint and give a key for the new.