Got overtaken by a Micra!

Got overtaken by a Micra!



Original Poster:

28,377 posts

289 months

Thursday 3rd October 2002
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So this morning I'm leaving the estate. Where I live they have absolutely vicious speed bumps around the estate entrance/exit..I can ground my car on them easily....

So I slow to almost stopped and very, very gingerly drive over them. I always make a point of showing the brake lights early as the Mums in their 4x4s don't have to slow for the bumps at all and would otherwise ram into the back of me as they cannot believe anyone could possibly need to slow down so much...

So anyway a Nissan Micra follows me this morning...very close behind (numpty) but not malicious at all.

I could see in the rear view mirror that by the third bump the lady driving had lost patience and decided to overtake! Now..she actually did wait until a reasonably safe spot before pulling out - so not bad there, at all.

However the speed bump she whacked her Micra into as she went by made the whole car bounce like a trampoline. I think I saw her head whack the roof.

Oh how I laughed....


600 posts

265 months

Thursday 3rd October 2002
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I might just be able to top that, I think...
Live in sunny Exeter and the other evening I wanted to pop round from one horrible industrial estate to t'other so joined onto the very tail end of the M5 which takes me round the city. Swept past a Ford Ka driven by young chap on the slip road and joined M5 at suitbale speed of 80 or so.
Happily trundling along at say 85 ish and see Ka closing rapidly in the mirror. He must have been screwing it badly to catch up with me. Anyway I'm just passing the second of two lorries and pulling in when the road work signs warn me of closure of the two outside lanes in 600 yards or so.

Hee hee, guess what... Yes, young man in Ka does not see said warning signs and tries to pass the two lorries before the lane closure. Maybe he'd not seen the second lorrie ?
I've never seen a car hit a traffic cone at speed before and he must have been near to 100 when he destroyed,nay pummelled, perhaps even obliterated his way through a whole bunch of them.
Oh the looks of suprise on the faces of the workmen as they watched him mow down their cones. They almost looked awake !
Bits of atomised shredded red plastic were shooting everywhere and the noise was awesome.

I'm laughing now as I write this and I was pi55ing my pants when it happened. I was half tempted to forget coming off the Mway and catch up with him just to see how the front of his car looked and his red face. Paintjob beckoning there I think.


1,991 posts

273 months

Thursday 3rd October 2002
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Had a colleague (numpty) who did something similar about 7 years ago. He was overtaking some lorries in the outside lane of the M9 as it used to end, coming into Edinburgh. He didn't see the 8 foot high chevrons mounted in a couple of tonnes of concrete that signified the end of the outside lane (had been there since the motorway was built, many years ago & he drove the route pretty regularly)
Anyway, he was accelerating in his week old Saab 900 Turbo & probably hit 90MPH as he hit the concrete base of the sign which moved about 10-20 feet. I picked him up from A&E - his forehead looked like it had bad acne from all the particles of glass (his lower face was clear, because of the airbag).
We went to pick up his stuff from the car & boy what a mess. If I hadn't known he was OK, I would have sworn that someone must have died in the car it was so badly damaged. Strong car! Numpty driver!


12,899 posts

268 months

Friday 4th October 2002
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Talking of lane closures, just come back from Cornwall on hols, on the A30 between Hayle & Camboure its a nice duel carriage way, you start to go down a hill and then there is one notification of the outside lane closed 400yrds ahead.

I thought there had to be signs from 800yrds. Going past lorries etc on a duel carriage way with the lorries gaining speed and the lane your in closes with little warning was ok for me but some of the lower powered cars behind had some hard braking to do.

No workmen working of course.


38 posts

265 months

Friday 4th October 2002
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Well I drive from Bristol to Reading a few times a week so I see lots of Numptys that think they are on a race trace, or do not under stand that you can move lanes once you are on the motor way!

Any how, I was passing j18 just out side of Bristol one morning about 7:30. If any one does not know this junction, it is on the brow of a long drag up hill. I was doing about 80 ish. A Audi A2 pasted me doing well in to the nineties (I was surprised has he went past so quick), but I was even more surprised when as he just passed me he decided to turn off at that junction as we had pasted of about 10 meter ago. So he went off of the motorway and on the grass section that was now between the motorway tarmac and the slip road. What he did not think about was the grass was about a foot long but was level with the road.
So down he went with sparks coming from under the car, then he hit the tarmac on the slip road on the other side now doing about 70mph. I have never seen and A2 in mid flight, but wow I know they say those things are light! It missed the first of the 2 lane slip road before coming down with such a whack that out of my side window I could see the bumper and grill bounce in to the undergrowth beyond the slip road.

Boy did that make chuckle all the way to work.


22,612 posts

266 months

Friday 4th October 2002
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Hey Lee.

It's because of w*nkers like your A2 driver we have such low limits.


Anyone care to toast the barsteward!