SPOILERS: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, it's happening

SPOILERS: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, it's happening



Original Poster:

12,738 posts

222 months

Friday 15th May 2020
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Announced today... A new show by CBS continuing the adventures of Captain Pike and co from Discovery, which is going to be hopefully amazing. I loved S2 of Discovery.


Edited by sparks_190e on Friday 15th May 17:58


42,529 posts

199 months

Friday 15th May 2020
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lol - you beat me to it. Was just going to post the same



5,174 posts

119 months

Friday 15th May 2020
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No doubt Number Two will repeatedly save the day...


5,139 posts

226 months

Friday 15th May 2020
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Problem is because it's set on the Enterprise, so called fans are going to moan that it doesn't look exactly like it did on the TV series made over 50 years ago.

Personally, I can't wait!


195 posts

165 months

Friday 15th May 2020
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AlexC1981 said:
Problem is because it's set on the Enterprise, so called fans are going to moan that it doesn't look exactly like it did on the TV series made over 50 years ago.

Personally, I can't wait!
No they won't. Biggest problem it's going to have is Alex Kurtzman "overseeing" it.


Original Poster:

12,738 posts

222 months

Friday 15th May 2020
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AlexC1981 said:
Problem is because it's set on the Enterprise, so called fans are going to moan that it doesn't look exactly like it did on the TV series made over 50 years ago.

Personally, I can't wait!
It would suck if it looked like TOS.


42,529 posts

199 months

Friday 15th May 2020
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sparks_190e said:
It would suck if it looked like TOS.


5,139 posts

226 months

Friday 15th May 2020
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DavidJJ said:
No they won't. Biggest problem it's going to have is Alex Kurtzman "overseeing" it.
I guess there is only so many times people can moan about holograms.


41,030 posts

199 months

Friday 15th May 2020
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Well I certainly hope it is nothing like Star Trek Discovery. Or are they just pirating the name for meaningless profit still?


195 posts

165 months

Saturday 16th May 2020
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300bhp/ton said:
Well I certainly hope it is nothing like Star Trek Discovery. Or are they just pirating the name for meaningless profit still?
I'm firmly in the camp that the only good thing that came out of Discovery was Pike. Just watched the promo clip for it and to quote Anson Mount - "A classic Star Trek show that deals with optimism and the future" so that's a good start already - fingers crossed!


4,620 posts

135 months

Saturday 16th May 2020
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Thatll do me!! More star trek shows the better.


Original Poster:

12,738 posts

222 months

Saturday 16th May 2020
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For me I loved Discovery, firmly felt Picard was 80% garbage purely made for fan service, but I concur that the best thing about Discovery was Pike and co, and the stunning retcon of the original Enterprise and it's sets etc. I'm putting some faith into this one being what we've actually all been waiting for.


41,030 posts

199 months

Saturday 16th May 2020
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sparks_190e said:
For me I loved Discovery, firmly felt Picard was 80% garbage purely made for fan service.
Surely making something that appeals to the fans is a very good thing? Even more so if it is a franchise as large and successful as “Star Trek”. In fact it makes you wonder why any rational person would want to produce any form of Star Trek which doesn’t appeal to the enormous fan base...

Edited by 300bhp/ton on Saturday 16th May 07:55


Original Poster:

12,738 posts

222 months

Saturday 16th May 2020
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300bhp/ton said:
sparks_190e said:
For me I loved Discovery, firmly felt Picard was 80% garbage purely made for fan service.
Surely making something that appeals to the fans is a very good thing? Even more so she. It is a franchise as large and successful as “Star Trek”. In fact it makes you wonder why any rational person would want to produce any form of Star Trek which doesn’t appeal to the enormous fan base...
I guess for me Picard was just a bit of nostalgia that was mostly terribly written, acted and produced. But that's a discussion for another thread.


41,030 posts

199 months

Saturday 16th May 2020
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sparks_190e said:
I guess for me Picard was just a bit of nostalgia that was mostly terribly written, acted and produced. But that's a discussion for another thread.
It certainly had some issues. But on the whole I enjoyed watching it. It still felt somewhat “Star Trek”, although evidently a lot had changed in the Federation since the end of the Dominion war.

STD on the other hand always came across as Star Wars in drag crossed with maybe something Quake2/Doom3 like. Not a very good mix IMO and certainly a long long way from being or feeling like “Star Trek”.

I guess maybe it should have been called Star Warts. Would have tied in nicely with the STD acronym wink


5,470 posts

159 months

Tuesday 19th May 2020
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I look forward to this, I assume it'll be Netflix in the UK.

Is STD getting a season 3?


42,529 posts

199 months

Tuesday 19th May 2020
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HorneyMX5 said:
Is STD getting a season 3?
it is


3,623 posts

86 months

Tuesday 19th May 2020
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.......going to be more terribly written drivel that just thinks all we want is people getting eyes pulled out, f-bombs, lens flare, total inconsistencies with existing trek and a over arcing plot so stupid it could be written by the President of the USA , but as long as they can keep making great wadges of cash out of it, they will keep doing it....but one thing for sure.....it aint Star Trek.


3,557 posts

153 months

Tuesday 19th May 2020
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rider73 said:
.......going to be more terribly written drivel that just thinks all we want is people getting eyes pulled out, f-bombs, lens flare, total inconsistencies with existing trek and a over arcing plot so stupid it could be written by the President of the USA , but as long as they can keep making great wadges of cash out of it, they will keep doing it....but one thing for sure.....it aint Star Trek.
But did you like it? biglaugh


42,529 posts

199 months

Wednesday 2nd February 2022
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