Experience days
Just thought I would ask here for suggestions on a present for a 21-year-old lad, into his cars boy racer cars so was looking at a driving experience in Scotland.
However, there are so much out there and so many bad reviews for some of them, so any suggestions on a decent one, was looking at drift days, track days but a lot of these although track days time on the track it down to less than 30 mins in some of them after all the briefings etc.
However, there are so much out there and so many bad reviews for some of them, so any suggestions on a decent one, was looking at drift days, track days but a lot of these although track days time on the track it down to less than 30 mins in some of them after all the briefings etc.
If he happens to be going to the US you can buy an experience driving NASCARs. I have done it a couple of times near NYC, once in a NASCAR truck.
I also did a track session in a Lamborghini. Having read the reviews of UK sessions I was dubious so asked the guy sat with me if there were any limits.
His reply in a strong Russian Accent was “It’s my day off and they dragged me in. Try and break the car. I don’t give a s
t. Try and steal it though and I will shoot you”
I took him for his word and screwed the living crap out of the car, but didn’t try and steal it.
For none car related, I have also flown a helicopter over the Tappenzee bridge and pissed off golfers by flying far too low.
I took a plane out from near NYC and flew it down to Jersey shore. That one was insane. Young Russian guy told me to jump in and Taxi the plane to the runway. This was my first time and the plane was all over the place. All the time he is on his phone. At the end of the runway he says “now take off. Pull this push that pull back”. No other training and back on his phone call. But, moments later I was flying a plane. It was fantastic. We did all sorts of maneuvers some of which I was convinced would kill me.
All of these cost around $100
I also did a track session in a Lamborghini. Having read the reviews of UK sessions I was dubious so asked the guy sat with me if there were any limits.
His reply in a strong Russian Accent was “It’s my day off and they dragged me in. Try and break the car. I don’t give a s

I took him for his word and screwed the living crap out of the car, but didn’t try and steal it.
For none car related, I have also flown a helicopter over the Tappenzee bridge and pissed off golfers by flying far too low.
I took a plane out from near NYC and flew it down to Jersey shore. That one was insane. Young Russian guy told me to jump in and Taxi the plane to the runway. This was my first time and the plane was all over the place. All the time he is on his phone. At the end of the runway he says “now take off. Pull this push that pull back”. No other training and back on his phone call. But, moments later I was flying a plane. It was fantastic. We did all sorts of maneuvers some of which I was convinced would kill me.
All of these cost around $100
bobbysmith said:
He has a focus ST if that helps
As others have suggested, for a similar outlay with his car he can do an open pitlane day and get so much more fun for the money.You have to factor in the cost of a little prep though. Some idea on overall cost including must do's:
1. TD 100-200ish subject to track.
2. Insurance for TD (if car is financed its probably a must) 100-500ish.
3. Maintenance 1 - 100quid for half decent pads that wont melt by lunchtime (EBC Bluestuff NDX are budget and mediocre but will survive 1 day even with abuse, but not much more than that.
4. Maintenance 2 - if front discs are pitted, then factor in to change those too 100-150 OEM/Brembo are fine, no need for slotted or drilled rubbish.
5. Maintenance 3 - New high performance brake fluid throughout! This is a must! 30ish quid for ATE type 200, RBF600 or similar dot4/dot5 brake fluids.
An engine oil change wont go astray either, then he will be good to go for a day and have fun without bother assuming the rest of the car is in reasonable nick.
Don't worry too much about tyres, other than soft rain tyres will be shredded in a day. You can buy part worns on eBay that you can put on to abuse for a day. CSC3 and CSC5 seem to last ok being given death for 3 or 3 track days. Only need to concern with the front axle obviously. Cheap Chinese tyres last forever but give no grip, so of he likes understeer, that works too.
Hopefully some useful info to consider.
h0b0 said:
If he happens to be going to the US you can buy an experience driving NASCARs. I have done it a couple of times near NYC, once in a NASCAR truck.
I also did a track session in a Lamborghini. Having read the reviews of UK sessions I was dubious so asked the guy sat with me if there were any limits.
His reply in a strong Russian Accent was “It’s my day off and they dragged me in. Try and break the car. I don’t give a s
t. Try and steal it though and I will shoot you”
I took him for his word and screwed the living crap out of the car, but didn’t try and steal it.
For none car related, I have also flown a helicopter over the Tappenzee bridge and pissed off golfers by flying far too low.
I took a plane out from near NYC and flew it down to Jersey shore. That one was insane. Young Russian guy told me to jump in and Taxi the plane to the runway. This was my first time and the plane was all over the place. All the time he is on his phone. At the end of the runway he says “now take off. Pull this push that pull back”. No other training and back on his phone call. But, moments later I was flying a plane. It was fantastic. We did all sorts of maneuvers some of which I was convinced would kill me.
All of these cost around $100
Sounds legit I also did a track session in a Lamborghini. Having read the reviews of UK sessions I was dubious so asked the guy sat with me if there were any limits.
His reply in a strong Russian Accent was “It’s my day off and they dragged me in. Try and break the car. I don’t give a s

I took him for his word and screwed the living crap out of the car, but didn’t try and steal it.
For none car related, I have also flown a helicopter over the Tappenzee bridge and pissed off golfers by flying far too low.
I took a plane out from near NYC and flew it down to Jersey shore. That one was insane. Young Russian guy told me to jump in and Taxi the plane to the runway. This was my first time and the plane was all over the place. All the time he is on his phone. At the end of the runway he says “now take off. Pull this push that pull back”. No other training and back on his phone call. But, moments later I was flying a plane. It was fantastic. We did all sorts of maneuvers some of which I was convinced would kill me.
All of these cost around $100
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