Trackcar hire - Goodwood / Thruxton

Trackcar hire - Goodwood / Thruxton



Original Poster:

544 posts

233 months

Wednesday 11th March 2020
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Has anybody hired (or know a company that hires) track cars at Thruxton and/or Goodwood?



10,592 posts

186 months

Wednesday 11th March 2020
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Look up Dave Woodall of Opentrack. They have a Caterfield thing to hire on their track days.


Original Poster:

544 posts

233 months

Wednesday 11th March 2020
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ecain63 said:
Look up Dave Woodall of Opentrack. They have a Caterfield thing to hire on their track days.
Thanks, will do smile


5,935 posts

201 months

Thursday 12th March 2020
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Yep, I was going to recommend Opentrack, they used to also have a track prepped Pug 106 (I think it was a 106), but now they may only have the Caterham.


Original Poster:

544 posts

233 months

Thursday 12th March 2020
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Thanks both, sadly the Caterham is a standard at not an SV, and due to my height I don't fit right in one frown