RE: Colouring the Decision

RE: Colouring the Decision

Tuesday 3rd July 2001

Colouring the Decision

How important is colour in a new car choice?



Original Poster:

141 posts

282 months

Tuesday 3rd July 2001
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I must admit I think I would avoid buying a white car. I just think they look pretty grim. Black, Silver, Red have got to be the first choices for me. Cheers, Golders Golders Performance Car Site: Total 200sx Site: The Best Nissan Listings: Cheers, Golders


34,443 posts

311 months

Wednesday 4th July 2001
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Perhaps a new award for "Most uninteresting posting in order to promote a web page" is in order...?


296 posts

292 months

Wednesday 4th July 2001
quotequote all
holy crap... I can't believe anyone would not buy a car solely based on color unless it was some freakish paint job that only a mary kay associate would have had done as a custom job. Whether the car is rusting or faded is a separate issue. damn....


34,443 posts

311 months

Wednesday 4th July 2001
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The question was worded in a manner that got the response required. It wasn't the only factor considered...