RE: Curtains for Corsa

RE: Curtains for Corsa

Tuesday 26th June 2001

Curtains for Corsa

More soft furnishings reveal themselves in a crash



Original Poster:

70 posts

291 months

Tuesday 26th June 2001
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Following on from your article, it is interesting to also note a story in the news today about more regulation from the EU enforcing motor manufactures to make the front end of cars more pedestrian friendly, so when there is a coming together of car and pedestrian the damage to the human side of this equation is less dramatic. Well........ Isn''t it about time there was some balance injected into this argument? Yes I drive a fast slightly flash car but also I use public transport (the bus) five or six days a week. I also do a lot of walking in urban areas and I take the view that if I''m traversing a foot path then I have the right of way over a automobile. If however I am walking on the road, then the automobile has the right of way. To this end, I am responsible for my own actions and if I am thick enough to walk, run, hope, skip or jump out in front of any oncoming vehicle then it''s my fault not the driver of the car, van, lorry, etc. What about children I hear you shout? Well when I was a child the same rule applied and as a result I was taught to cross a road safely by the age of five and before that age I was not allowed anywhere near a road unaccompanied, It''s called responsible parenting, another concept which appears to be in decline nowadays. STOP BLAMING THE DRIVER WHEN THE PROBLEM IS PEOPLE WHO ARE INCAPABLE OF CROSIING A ROAD!


40,374 posts

292 months

Tuesday 26th June 2001
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I hear Vauxhall have denied rumors that they insist all drivers to wrap themselves in cotton wool before entering the car. This is another situation where people will drive carelessly because they think they cant get hurt if they have an accident. Paul


996 posts

291 months

Tuesday 26th June 2001
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The health and safety mob have contributed so much to the dumming-down of this country, people just arnt aware of the basic safety/physics involved in driving a car, this type of thing can only add to the increasing amount of ****e drivers on the UK roads. And also add to the accident figures. SPEED KILLS?, I think the Illusion of being able to drive fast, and safe is more to blame Edited by Dave_H on Tuesday 26th June 21:45