Nurburgring Tourist Day question
Hi all.
Been a few years since my last ring trip, and know it’s all got a bit commercial, and silly on occasion, however never the less I’m hoping to pop for a lap next Friday evening as we’re gonna be over that way for the Belgian GP Sat and Sunday.
Can you still just rock up on the main straight or Adenau bridge and buy a pass for a lap or two, or have they “improved” the system to make it more of a hassle in attempts to bleed more cash from punters???
Been a few years since my last ring trip, and know it’s all got a bit commercial, and silly on occasion, however never the less I’m hoping to pop for a lap next Friday evening as we’re gonna be over that way for the Belgian GP Sat and Sunday.
Can you still just rock up on the main straight or Adenau bridge and buy a pass for a lap or two, or have they “improved” the system to make it more of a hassle in attempts to bleed more cash from punters???
Info can be found - strangely enough - on the Nurburgring website, but PH is quicker, so:
You can buy 'credits' online (or in the overflow carpark) and use your phone (or a linked Ring card) when you rock up at the barriers on the main straight for full laps or Adenau bridge for half laps (I find the linked card easier as I don't have the issues of the phone screen being too reflective for the sensor).
You pay a premium number of credits at peak times (Fri/Sat/Sun & holidays) so get less laps for your credits.
If you buy enough credits, you get some extra bonus credits.

Green boxes mean the track is open for some/all of the day, but you have to check the website to see the actual hours (i.e. some days 10:00-19:00, others 17:00-19:00 only)
You can buy 'credits' online (or in the overflow carpark) and use your phone (or a linked Ring card) when you rock up at the barriers on the main straight for full laps or Adenau bridge for half laps (I find the linked card easier as I don't have the issues of the phone screen being too reflective for the sensor).
You pay a premium number of credits at peak times (Fri/Sat/Sun & holidays) so get less laps for your credits.
If you buy enough credits, you get some extra bonus credits.

Green boxes mean the track is open for some/all of the day, but you have to check the website to see the actual hours (i.e. some days 10:00-19:00, others 17:00-19:00 only)
Edited by mmm-five on Saturday 18th August 12:21
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