Topcats Race Report - Brands Hatch

Topcats Race Report - Brands Hatch



Original Poster:

17 posts

255 months

Friday 29th April 2005
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Hi All,

Two days at Brands Hatch and once again an exciting and fun-filled weekend.

Friday was test day and we started out with three cars, Two Mantis’ and the MGZR owned by Mick Mercer and driven by his daughter Kelly Mercer and Sarah Bennett-Baggs.

Warren, Charlotte and the team had worked wonders. Following the disaster at Silverstone which saw the demise of our much loved Mantis, the Topcats team worked tirelessly to get another car race prepared in three short weeks. You may notice in some of the photo’s put up by Zeke, that one of the Topcats Mantis is sporting a Blue Coat. This will change but the paint scheme was the least of the team’s worries, as the old car had to be stripped and as much of the technical gizmos and wonderments that could be salvaged from her, fitted into the new car. Engine stripped and rebuilt, Splitters made and fitted, suspension sorted out etc etc. All this work done and the first day on a track was this Friday at Brands, so no one was quite sure how things would turn out.

Not only did the team have a new car, but also both its drivers were new to Topcats too. John Harrison was still not fit to race following his high-speed impact at Silverstone and obstacles had beset Rupert Bullock which meant he couldn’t make the meeting either, so the breech was filled by Luke Paillard & Richard Gomes. Both these guys were great characters, very friendly and immediately fitted in well with the Topcats team spirit and comradeship.

The day started Grey and overcast and it wasn’t long before the track was wet and we were working in the drizzle of our wonderful English Spring. Things started out reasonably well, the cars seemed to be running fine, even the untried new girl on the block. Then Murphy showed up with his Law book!

Around 10:30 or so our first challenge: The power steering pump gave up the ghost on Mick’s Mantis (car no.43). Charlotte quickly set off from Brands back to the Topcats workshop in Aylesbury (not exactly a 5 minute drive), Warren called everyone he knew and a few people he didn’t, to try and locate another one nearer to the circuit. Belts and Braces yes, total commitment to getting the cars out there and racing…Definitely! Meanwhile Brian, ably hindered by myself set about removing the dead pump and stripping it down to see if we could figure out what happened, no luck and we had to wait. A New pump was located in or near Dartford and Warren set off to get it. Testament to the team, the pump was soon fitted and working and the car was able to continue.

Then came the second challenge and this one proved too much to overcome in the time available. Late in the day the Engine on the MG ZR threw a rod…straight through the engine block, leaving a hole the size of a man’s fist and smoke signals from the pit straight that could be seen in deepest Peru. Well, even collectively, we could not muster enough chewing gum to patch it up, so options were considered. Mick and Warren decided to try and get a replacement engine but there was none available of the spec or condition required. The team was willing to drop the old engine out and fit a new one, even if it meant working all night, but they were spared by Mick’s decision to wait and get a decent engine of his choice later.

Unfortunately this meant no racing for Kelly and Sarah on Saturday. Kelly, not to be denied the chance of hurtling round smooth Black tarmac at break-neck speed somewhere….anywhere…Immediately set off for Pembury. I don’t know where she got the top hat, let alone the white rabbit she used to produce this one, but well, it seems the commitment thing runs right through the team, because race she did.

We fitted a new wing to the back of Mick’s Mantis and it was huge. Richard Fores loved it in the wet as it gave much-improved grip. He was keen to race with it the next day and even hoped for a wet track, something usually people want to avoid in a Mantis!.

Topcats were now down to two cars but the rest of the test day went smoothly, so smoothly that no one saw the need to push the cars too harshly. Cars were spannered, washed, polished and generally set up ready for the next day and we finally left the pits at 7pm. I went to my B&B to wash and brush-up while the harder members went into the race lorries to smear some more grease and muck on their faces before we went out for the evening to a local Indian Restaurant.

A great night out and more fun than you could have at a Circus……well, at one point I thought I was IN a circus, but that’s a story for another day! Brilliant night, thanks to one and all.

Race Day
Morning dawned bright and sunny and in fact stayed that way for most of the day, although quite cold at least it remained dry.

Qualifying started at 10:33 and went very well for both our cars. After a short while and having gained 14th position on the Grid with a respectable lap time of 51.052 seconds, Luke decided to play in the sand pit at Paddock Hill Bend, much more fun than continually driving in circles eh! So the new car spent the rest of qualifying time up to her gunnels in Kitty Litter. Once in the gravel it is all too easy in a Mantis for a stray stone to throw a belt and eventually blow the engine, so Luke was instructed not to drive it out. Mick and Richard got their Mantis (No. 43) to 9th on the Grid with an even better 49.839 seconds. The decision was made to call a halt to proceedings as with those times/positions, there was little to be gained by risking the cars further in qualifying.

On inspection, it turned out that the drive shaft had broken on No. 43, so Geoff Clifton and Keith had something to do. When car 42 was returned to us, Darren, Tom and I had plenty to do in removing all the stones from every nook and cranny the car possessed, they even filled the ruddy boot and door panels! Apart from the obvious scratches and stone chips 42 had escaped injury, so all the work done and with both cars cleaned and polished we were ready for the race. The final qualifying positions were:

01 05 1 Hirst/Wood-------------Vauxhall Astra DTM
02 27 1 Cameron/Burt-----------Porsche GT3 Cup 996
03 28 1 Chambers/Sumpter------Porsche GT3 Cup
04 20 1 Harris/Turvey-----------Porsche GT3 Cu
05 62 1 Whight/Whight----------Lotus Elise
06 01 2 Handkammer/Leslie------BMW M3 E36
07 44 2 McCormick/Lockie-------Ferrari 360 Challenge
08 08 1 Noble/MacKinnon---------Noble M12-2
09 43 2 Mercer/Fores-----------Marcos Mantis
10 56 1 Cole/Cole---------------Ferrari 360 Modena GT
11 51 2 Firman/Morris-----------Porsche 911 GT3 Cup
12 12 2 Simpson/Wyatt----------Marcos Mantis
13 06 1 Sharpe/Bonner----------Ford Falcon
14 42 2 Paillard/Gomes----------Marcos Mantis
15 81 3 Scott------------------BMW Mini 53
16 40 2 Back-------------------Ferrari 360 Challenge
17 90 3 George/Bennett--------Peugeot 406 Coupe
18 76 3 Fenton/Gardiner--------BMW M3 E36
19 86 3 Grice/Wall--------------BMW M3 E36
20 78 3 Symons/D'Cruze---------BMW M3 E36
21 58 2 Scuffham/Randall-------Lotus Elise
22 75 3 Gamski/Robinson--------Ferrari 355
23 10 2 Hancock/Smart---------Marcos Mantis
24 59 2 Laslett------------------Lotus Exige 2

The Race:
Our Car/Driver schedule was Car 43 First Mick Mercer then Richard Fores, Car 42 First Richard Gomes then Luke Paillard.

The race started on time in dry conditions. 23 cars hurtled off from the grid and one from the pit lane. There were 4 Marcos Mantis in the race. The Green/White/Black livery of No. 10 (Hancock/Smart) which slammed into the pit lane wall before entering the track so was a late starter but all credit to them, they got it up and running and finished the race although unclassified and with only half it’s splitter. On the first lap the Safety Car was called into play as Handkammers BMW, the Pink Porsche and some others I can’t recall all decided to play stock cars and were eventually removed from the track. Lap 10 saw the safety car leave the circuit and the race was on. Our drivers were performing faultlessly and holding their own against much more technically advanced cars. Mick Mercer was all over the back of a little Black Lotus Elise. Somebody had dumped a huge lump of manifold on the track at cooper straight and we were quick to tell the marshals about it…who were quick to walk off in the opposite direction. Mick was deep into the idea of gaining a place and unfortunately stepped out to overtake the Elise just at the point where the manifold was. He launched it 100s of yards and in the process put a great dent in the supporting structure of the front splitter, still, determination won through and Mick gained the place. In the mean time Richard Gomez had worked his way to 7th over all and 4th in class, a sterling performance putting in lap times of 51.9 seconds.

On Lap 43 Mick Mercer was 2nd in class with a lap time 53.03 seconds Richard Gomes in car 42 6th Over all & 4th in class with a lap time of 52.7 seconds.

Richard Gomes had a slight spin and following that decided it was time to come in. Unfortunately he didn’t radio his intentions to us in the pits so we were blissfully unaware of that until the last minute and pit crew had to jump to it pretty smartish, Richard was obviously testing our reflexes. We still managed a respectable 1 minute 10 seconds for the pit stop/driver change, although we couldn’t refuel the car as the pit crew were not suitably attired. Although the car should run the distance, especially as there had been a long safety car period we would be running pretty close to the wire regarding the fuel situation. Car 42, now with Luke Paillard at the wheel re entered the track 14th over all, 5th in class.

Mick Mercer had got us to 1st in class, 3rd over all and last lap time of 52.1s We had a good pit-stop with the Mercer/Fores car, initially we thought we may have to change the Front Near Side Wheel, but that proved unnecessary and Richard Fores roared off to rejoin the fray 3rd in class. 5th over all. We were not concerned by the drop in places as some cars had yet to pit. Luke Paillard had moved up to 6th in class 12th over all.

By Lap 80 Richard Fores had maintained 3rd in class. 5th over all. This was no mean feat as the splitter situation had worsened and it was flapping about under the front of the car. The massive rear wing was producing great down force at the back end, with no compensation for the front and the car was suffering massive under-steer. Richards Lap Time was 54.7 seconds. Luke Paillard was now 8th over all, 5th in class with 51.05s

Lap 88 saw Richard gain a place to 2nd in class with 53.1s he was a lap down on the leader. Luke had moved to 7th over all, 4th in class with 52.5s

Lap 97 saw the Black Ferrari leave the track. McCormick was first in class, Richard Fores was hanging on to 5th over all/2nd in class, while Luke Paillard 6th over all, 3rd in class.

A radio message came in to us that one of our cars had a stop-go penalty, this caused minor panick amongst the crew because we couldn’t see why. It turned out that a Black Flag was waved at car 76, very close to ours and our driver thought it was for him. A brief moment of anxiety that soon passed. Blimey these drivers are keeping us on our toes today!

Lap 108 Richard Fores and Luke were going great guns hanging on to their positions. By Lap 116 Richard was 4th over all 2nd in class with 54.7 seconds absolutely amazing considering the splitter problems and now also suffering a loss of power. Luke Paillard was right behind him, driving hard with 51.7s Lap Times. By Lap 124 our drivers had changed places, Luke had taken 4th over all 2nd in class with 52.5 while Richard put in a lap time of 56.7s Richards Lap times were slowing but considering he was dealing with a big loss of power and also the disrupted airflow and balance of the car, he was performing miracles to keep his position.

4 minutes to the end of the race saw Cameron Lockie retire and our cars move up a place. Luke was now 2nd in class 4th over all and Richard 6th over all 3rd in class.

1 minute before the end of the race Luke had made it to 3rd over all 2nd in class, while Richard maintained a very creditable 6th over all and 4th in class. This was the position when the Chequered Flag dropped.

After the race, we could see why Richard was struggling with power loss to car 43, one of the right hand manifold tubes had about an inch of pipe missing.

Once again Topcats had performed brilliantly. There were several cars out there worth hundreds of thousands of pounds, I’m told the Hirst/Wood Astra DTM is in the region of £500,000 everything, including the disc rotas being Carbon Fibre, yet our humble but very strong Mantis’ beat them to the flag. A testament to team the drivers and the cars. Thanks guys for some brilliant entertainment.

It was great to see Zeke at the track and even better to hear you’d had such a good time mate.



1,426 posts

275 months

Tuesday 3rd May 2005
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Ah Skidders glad to have a recap on what happened during the day, forgot half of it as it happens at breakneck speed most of the time and while you're trying to remember French from your school days!

For the record Dr Palmer we did return the kitty litter all 2 tons of it that we collected at paddock hill. As a precaution we'll have the car back to silver for the next round, making it easier to confuse those volkswagen beetle (sorry Henry) and fiat driver out there and we can blame each other for borrowing the kitty litter!!


16,369 posts

290 months

Tuesday 3rd May 2005
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Aviator said:
Luke decided to play in the sand pit at Paddock Hill Bend, much more fun than continually driving in circles eh!

and easy mistake anyone could make

I too seem to have a quantity of that gravel


1,426 posts

275 months

Tuesday 3rd May 2005
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Graham said:

I too seem to have a quantity of that gravel

Hey Graham you should have said, with Moore Racing in the next pit to us we could have supplied you with a bit more for your collection!!

Though i've heard that Dr Palmer has a bounty on anyone collecting his gravel!!


76 posts

289 months

Wednesday 11th May 2005
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d_drinks said:

Hey Graham you should have said, with Moore Racing in the next pit to us we could have supplied you with a bit more for your collection!!

Though i've heard that Dr Palmer has a bounty on anyone collecting his gravel!!

Hoi ! No gravel in our pit at Brands all weekend, unless Geoff Steel's boys brought some in on the Firday, we kept it on the black stuff all weekend...



5,303 posts

253 months

Monday 23rd May 2005
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What an amazing race at Snetterton.