Hall Of Fame



Original Poster:

39,731 posts

292 months

Wednesday 20th June 2001
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Ted, dunno if it''s been mooted before,how about this for Dealers and Specialists who return good service, you could have a weekly nomination. I have my Griff in Team Proactive at the mo,they seem very keen to provide a good service and are aware of the circulation of Pistonheads and the effect of a good or bad reputation. This would obviously benefit us as well.


34,443 posts

311 months

Wednesday 20th June 2001
quotequote all
The idea has been mooted before. The trouble is with every single dealer I've heard some great stories and some bad ones. I think the only fair way of assessing dealers is for people to take their own soundings and make up their own mind. Perhaps Team Proactive should just advertise on here...


Original Poster:

39,731 posts

292 months

Wednesday 20th June 2001
quotequote all
Good point. I'll suggest that