24h Daytona


Some Gump

Original Poster:

12,923 posts

197 months

Saturday 27th January 2018
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Anyone watching it?

Tonight 7.30 streamed live, uninterrupted and free on IMSA.TV, and radiolemans.com. full comms by the RSL team.

I'm really looking forward to it, top 14 qualified within 1 s, and it looks very much like for the first time caddy don't have a rediculous advantage like when they were running the 6.2l engine.

Meanwhile, GTLM is sure to go to the wire with corvette, Porsche and team sandbag all looking very close on pace.


7,361 posts

236 months

Saturday 27th January 2018
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Watched the first hour, on motors. Now been relegated off the tv, so will have to watch again in a bit.

Some Gump

Original Poster:

12,923 posts

197 months

Saturday 27th January 2018
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imsa.tv is free!

Been epic so far - mainly in the first hour where it was sprint style drama, but some of the heartache has been massive. TP got to 2nd and had a puncture - justa fter a yeellow. instead of dropping to 6th, it was 19th (field closed up). Hoping for a Pipo charge with 1hr to go...