Thoughts - On September 11th 2002 Now 1 year on!

Thoughts - On September 11th 2002 Now 1 year on!


Cosmic G

Original Poster:

97 posts

271 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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Ok, this isn't a new topic on cars, although i'm sure we will end talking about them!
Although i never lost anyone in the Twin Towers Tragedy, i will never forget that day, while i watched people screaming out of windows and then see the whole building fall to the ground!
I just want to say i still think about that day and wish nothing like that will happens again. But that's all it is , is a wish! But wishes don't always come true.


11,430 posts

272 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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Hmmmmmm - more people than that die in other parts of the world in natural disasters on a regular basis, but cos its not beamed live via CNN you don't think about it.

Tragic loss for the families concerned, but in the scale of things not that big a deal.

The major thing to worry about is that it has a wakened a slumbering giant (the US military), which has the power to wreak a lot of damage to this world of ours, playing macho games and sabre rattling. That is what should be occupying our thoughts today.


46,644 posts

281 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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Agreed that what happened was a tragedy, but my history teacher always told us that we should learn from the past... not convinced we are doing that.

Without starting a political hot-potato throwing thread... why are we electing to blow the crap out of Iraq (given they've been quiet and the UN inspectors seem happy that they are of no thread)... when Mugabe is evicting innocent families from their land etc etc?


13,382 posts

273 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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I already posted my thoughts, but the thread was deleted.

I'm studiously avoiding the news media today.


8,756 posts

276 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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The one thing positive about this tradgedy is that nowadays you don't get asked in the streets in Boston or NY to contribute to IRA funds in the fight against the "occupying british oppresssors". First strike on US soil and they've learnt something positive at last.
Still a damn costly way for them to learn.
My condolences to anyone who lost someone near..... especially those Firemen who lost their lives helping!


30 posts

281 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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Yeah, but natural disasters are exactly that - natural. Terrorist events and mass murder are somewhat different (perhaps an understatement)... certainly cause for concern for us all, especially if they're wielding weapons such as hijacked commercial airliners, or worse - nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.


8,756 posts

276 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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when Mugabe is evicting innocent families from their land etc etc?

No mention of the genocide against the Matabele then? Only about a million or so eliminated in work word about that from the lentil crunching socialist scum who're supposed to be running the country!
Mugabe's worse than Hitler, Saddam is on a comparable basis, but then Mugabe has no oil!!!! Cynical! Me????


75,836 posts

278 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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The one thing positive about this tradgedy is that nowadays you don't get asked in the streets in Boston or NY to contribute to IRA funds in the fight against the "occupying british oppresssors".
As you say, this is a positive thing.
In the days following 11/09/01 I remember every newsgroup, bulletin board and forum being swamped by jingoistic Americans advocating scortched earth policies, "death to all terrorists and those that support them" and the like. I recall they didn't really appreciate other people replying with "well stop supporting the bloody IRA then you bunch of hypocrites". Harsh words, but fair.

For sure, non-combatants do not deserve to lose their lives, and it is a genuine tragedy that those innocents died, but one should not forget that it was the USA's aggressive and interventionist foreign policy that was partially to blame for the attacks.

>> Edited by JonRB on Wednesday 11th September 15:00


3,794 posts

270 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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Mugabe's worse than Hitler, Saddam is on a comparable basis, but then Mugabe has no oil!!!! Cynical! Me????

No, spot on!

>> Edited by FunkyGibbon on Wednesday 11th September 15:01


2,937 posts

277 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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I'm working on one of the upper floors of one of the taller buildings in the City of London, and when the 1 minute silence was held it was bit nerve racking looking out of the window and wondering about someone a year ago in the twin Towers doing the same thing and seeing either of the aircraft incoming.......


46,644 posts

281 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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but then Mugabe has no oil!!!! Cynical! Me????

Good point, and one that I had forgotton... hmm.. all becomes clear now.

Oh, and Stalin is regarded as worse than Hitler in a number of circles, gven the fact that he persecuted more groups and killed more Jews than Hitler...

Simpo One

86,832 posts

271 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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'more people than that die in other parts of the world in natural disasters on a regular basis, but cos its not beamed live via CNN you don't think about it.'

The difference is that one is natural, the other is deliberate. I can't think of many deliberate acts that have killed about 3,000 people outside wartime.

A word about oil. As oil underpins the Western economy and therefore all your jobs, it IS worth scrapping for. By contrast a thousand sqaure miles of dusty scrub in Africa is not. IMO.


91 posts

269 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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Agreed. How many "innocents" have the west killed, oh sorry, bystanders! WTF!

What's worse than Sadamm Hussain with a "weapon of mass destruction"? George bush with two. Lets not get on the "west is good, everything else is evil" bulls bandwagon. The USA government have a lot to answer for, but who is going to stand up and do that? No one, only the people that have the balls to do something about it, although their methods leave a lot to be desired.

I feel for the families that were effected my sept 11, but that's all I can do. I didn't know them, I don't have any deeper emotions for them. Its the media that have yet again hyped something up into a false and fake felling of dread and sadness, and more recently the sad Hollie and Jessica media frenzy. (I live about 5 miles form Soham).

Just look at the sick tourist attraction that ground zero has become, don't try and tell me that people go there to offer there sympathy. if that's the case why do they buy souvenir photos of street sellers, and the NY major has ordered them to stay away this sept 11? Its all a bunch of hypocritical s that the general sheep public have been once again sucked up into.

Sorry, maybe I could of put my feelings across more eloqently, but I am just saying what I think.



8,756 posts

276 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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but then Mugabe has no oil!!!! Cynical! Me????

Good point, and one that I had forgotton... hmm.. all becomes clear now.
Oh, and Stalin is regarded as worse than Hitler in a number of circles, gven the fact that he persecuted more groups and killed more Jews than Hitler...

Stalin killed 25 million of all types during his "reign".....


13,382 posts

273 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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A word about oil. As oil underpins the Western economy and therefore all your jobs, it IS worth scrapping for. By contrast a thousand sqaure miles of dusty scrub in Africa is not. IMO.
Right - so expediency is the key then is it?

Was 120000sq miles of Poland, which is of no practical benefit to us or the Americans, worth defending against Adolf then?

Come on Simpo - it's nothing like as simple as you've just made out.


91 posts

269 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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..and another thing that bugs me;

Ther is NO difference between a suicide bomber who goes into a McDonalds and blows himself up, and a Tomohawk missile fired out of a gunship.
Its all a matter of technology.

Both are indiscriminate.

(It makes me sad that my comments will have no effect whatsoever on peoples pathetic lives in the Middle East and other plicically/religion war ravaged countrys )

Size Nine Elm

5,167 posts

290 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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The difference is that one is natural, the other is deliberate. I can't think of many deliberate acts that have killed about 3,000 people outside wartime.

Cue navel-contemplation...

The slave trade, for one, killed about a third of the slaves in crossing the Atlantic. Deliberate act, known mortality, and sustained practice. Beneficiaries - largely UK traders.

Saddam, Mugabe, Hitler? Don't forget, at the end of WW2, by the Yalta agreement, approx 2m Ukranians (either fighting on the allied side, or for the Germans) were shipped back to Stalin, and then onto the Siberian death camps. By who? The brits. Agreed to by Churchill.


2,937 posts

277 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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(It makes me sad that my comments will have no effect whatsoever on peoples pathetic lives in the Middle East and other plicically/religion war ravaged countrys )

ooohhhh well........thats the way it goes sometimes.


3,757 posts

267 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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Come on Simpo - it's nothing like as simple as you've just made out.

Dubya doen't like shifty looking arabs with moustaches.


11,833 posts

279 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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The one thing positive about this tradgedy is that nowadays you don't get asked in the streets in Boston or NY to contribute to IRA funds in the fight against the "occupying british oppresssors". First strike on US soil and they've learnt something positive at last.
Still a damn costly way for them to learn.
My condolences to anyone who lost someone near..... especially those Firemen who lost their lives helping!

Here, here.

I am worried about the way the US is trying to take over the world. If it isn't the American way then they must be terrorists. If there isn't any oil involved then they are not interested.