Las Vegas motor speedway - NASCAR

Las Vegas motor speedway - NASCAR



Original Poster:

6 posts

161 months

Thursday 28th December 2017
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Having booked a trip to Vegas for the other half’s Christmas present, it just happens to be the same weekend NASCAR is in town hehe
Having never been to Vegas motorspeedway or a NASCAR race before, has anybody got tips and advice for the event?
Where’s best to sit? Assume higher for an overall view of the race?
Gates open at 7am, is there enough to do and see if we get there that early?



12,349 posts

295 months

Thursday 28th December 2017
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Now Then.

I attended the NASCAR in Vegas a couple of years ago.

I splashed out on the fancy hospitality tickets (looking at the LVMS website, they are called 'Clubhouse' tickets) which gave you access to an air conditioned suite with free food and beer (although etiquette suggested a $1 tip to the barman) and then decent seats high in the stand. Even in early March it was 30c weather and glaring sunshine.

It also gave access to the 'Neon Garage' area (which you can buy individual tickets for as well) which had bars and entertainment as well as roof top access to the pit garages where you could looking down inside to watch the crews at work.

There aren't any support races so not much track action.

The parking I got with my tickets was accessed from the other side of the site to most of the other car parks (which are directly off the freeway) so you could get in and out without queueing.

As a bonus, on the Friday it was the final day of the 'Exercise Red Flag' flying at USAF Nellis which is next to the speedway so there was a constant stream of interesting aeroplanes taking off and landing right in your line of sight.

In conclusion... I think the Hospitality was a bit overkill, if I did it again I'd probably go for just the Neon Garage and a decent parking spot.


Original Poster:

6 posts

161 months

Thursday 28th December 2017
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Thanks, have been looking at the neon garage, from what you say, it sounds like it will be worthwhile.
We’re you seated in the main stand? Or one of the terraces - Petty or Earnhardt?


12,349 posts

295 months

Thursday 28th December 2017
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Gsr88 said:
Thanks, have been looking at the neon garage, from what you say, it sounds like it will be worthwhile.
We’re you seated in the main stand? Or one of the terraces - Petty or Earnhardt?
It must have been the main stand, certainly on the side that the pitlane was.


241 posts

179 months

Saturday 30th December 2017
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I went to Talledega in Alabama last year and it was incredible.

I'm not sure what it's like at Vegas (a friend and I are planning on going to a race there next year) but we asked the organisers what seats to go for and they put us in some seats inline with the start/finish & pits but high up enough to have a view of the whole track.

I fully expected them to tell us to go for the most expensive seats but they were only $10 more than the cheapest.

Again not sure what is like at Vegas but make sure you go to the party the night before the race. The Phrase "Came for the party, stayed for the Race" Couldn't be more fitting.