It was his line to take

It was his line to take



Original Poster:

670 posts

88 months

Wednesday 27th December 2017
quotequote all
I'm seeing this more often, every time there's an overtake and the overtakee doesn't do anything to avoid contact the fanbois come up with "it was his line to take" as if being in front automatically entitles one to not avoid contact and run into another car or purposefully try to run them off the track.

So am I missing something and is FIA allowing this somewhere in their rulebook?

Shaw Tarse

31,770 posts

214 months

Wednesday 27th December 2017
quotequote all
What are you on about?


Original Poster:

670 posts

88 months

Wednesday 27th December 2017
quotequote all
st, wrong subforum Shaw T arse. Mods can you move it to general motorsport please