12/04 @ 8pm Chislehurst Road Rage

12/04 @ 8pm Chislehurst Road Rage



Original Poster:

25,305 posts

256 months

Friday 15th April 2005
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This appeared on a local mailing list - could be spam, but could be relevant if anybody here witnessed it by chance.

Sounds nasty.

mailing list said:

A serious incident happened yesterday @ approximately 2000hrs yesterday
(Monday 12th April) @ Chislehurst. Paula was driving her car from
Chislehurst to her last appointment of the evening. She turned out of Manor
Park Road, right, into St Paul's Cray common. As she turned into the main
road, a speeding black Volkswagen Passat Registration: X7** ROA car with
completely blacked out windows appeared behind her. The driver was obviously
agitated that her car was not driving fast enough. The driver of the Passat
pulled parallel to Paula's vehicle (a metallic burgundy Land Rover
Discovery), therefore driving on the wrong side of the road. He pulled in
front of her vehicle, starting to break suddenly and drive erratically in
front of her vehicle. She pulled back, giving the car plenty of room to
break and hoping that he would simply drive away.

The car did NOT simply drive away. Paula saw the Passat turn left into
Leesons hill at the roundabout. This was the direction Paula needed to go.
She did consider going straight ahead and driving a long way to her
destination, but because the black car had disappeared she decided to go the
route she wanted to take. The black Passat was parked on the left hand side
of the road just before the bus stop in Leesons Hill. Paula pulled up next
to the black Passat and wound down her passenger driving window. The Passat
did not move, the window did not wind down. Paula expected to see somebody
get out of the car or to talk to her by winding their window down. They did
not. She decided to keep on driving.

Paula continued down Leesons Hill. The Passat drove right onto her bumper,
then, suddenly swerved around her car and positioned itself in front of her
vehicle, continuing the breaking/driving scenario. Then it sped off down the
hill. Paula was driving very slowly, giving the Passat time to disappear
again. Unfortunately, as she rounded the corner of the 'steep hill' before
the school on the left hand side the black Passat had PARKED ACROSS the
width of the road, nobody had moved out of the vehicle and the windows were
still up therefore she could not see who was driving. She did not want to
stop. She drove AROUND the front of the car onto the wrong side of the road
where there were spaces for cars to park in front of some houses in the
right hand side of the road.

Paula continued, now very shaken, down the hill and gave way at the
mini-roundabout. The Passat RAMMED into the back of her car. Then a black
man jumped out of his car, put his hands on the front of her car and
windscreen trying to pull the door open. Paula was dazed and shocked, he
demanded she get out of the car and look at the damage SHE had done to HIS
car. Considering he had gone into the back of her vehicle she started to
open the door of her vehicle, then decided not to, but it was too late. The
black man pulled her from her car into the middle of the road, then screamed
at 'his girlfriend' to come and 'beat the blob up.....' she took a while
getting out of the Passat and the black man was looking from the road inside
Paula's car to see what she had inside it. The black woman assaulted Paula
over the front of her head with some kind of weapon. This was all in broad
daylight. Paula was knocked to the floor. The black woman pulled Paula's
head up by her hair and banged her head repeatedly into the concrete
reinforcement holding the road bollards in place in the middle of the road.

Paula desperately struggled to free herself from the floor, the woman kicked
her repeatedly in the stomach. Paula eventually broke one arm free from her
coat and struggled up onto her feet, blood pouring from her head. She
approached at least two cars which were travelling in the opposite
direction, up the hill, they had stopped to look at the spectacle, one man,
around 30'ish, inside his silver car with silver buttons locks by the car
window. He LOCKED his car to stop Paula from climbing into his back seat to
escape the derranged black woman. Paula then turned to try to run up the
hill. A white man had got out of the Passat and said to Paula '....hey
man.....you know......you shouldn't have stopped... you shouldn't have
stopped.....'. The two men ran away from the incident over towards
Chipperfield Road. The black woman drove the Passat down to the lights and
turned right into the main road. Paula managed to get BACK into her car,
which was still running and drove her car back home. She was 'chased' by a
large white van who followed her all the way back home. She thought he was
going to try and attack her too. She had a fit inside her car, outside her
house, panicking. It tuned out that the man followed her, he saw everything.
He wanted to make sure that she was ok.

Please forward this to as many people as possible. It may reach the cowards
who continued to drive on or the people who were walking around the area at
the time. These people must come forward to the Police, they need as many
accounts of what happened as possible. Perhaps somebody will remember the
incidents further up the hill or along the common. Please - FORWARD THIS TO

If you see this car - Black, Volkswagen, Passat, totally blacked out windows
- Registration X7** ROA. CALL THE POLICE IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT get out of your
vehicle, if it rams you from behind, continue driving. These people are
DANGEROUS and seriously wanted by the Police. It is a known vehicle and the
people are 'known' to them. Please forward this to as many people as
possible. The Police have taken Paula's car and clothes away for forensic
tests. Her mobile is in her car with the Police. We cannot stress enough....
DO NOT GET OUT OF YOUR CAR if this car hits yours from behind. DO NOT DRIVE
HOME, drive immediately to a POLICE STATION. These people are dangerous and
taking drugs. They do not belong in our community, help rid Bromley of these
scumm........ If you KNOW this car, or who owns it, please CALL THE POLICE

If you know of anybody who lives along the roads mentioned, please, ask them
if they have CCTV on their doors or at the front of their houses. This could
be extremely vital for the police.

THIS IS NOT A HOAX - Please forward this to AS MANY PEOPLE as you know in
the area. It cannot be stressed enough how seriously mentally incapable and
dangerous these people are. DO NOT GET OUT OF YOUR VEHICLE if this car rams


12,058 posts

269 months

Friday 15th April 2005
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I assume it would be unsympathetic to list all the things she did wrong?


Original Poster:

25,305 posts

256 months

Saturday 16th April 2005
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Already been through that on the mailing list

- keep doors locked
- allow plenty of space when stopped in traffic
- let numpties get on with it
- DON'T wind down window to conront
- DON'T get out
- Ring 999 and drive to nearest police station.

You never know, maybe she cut him up or pulled out in front of him or was dithering or something. Having said that, I don't think she really deserved what she got though!

Somebody mentioned on the list that it's odd that there's no station mentioned or officer dealing... could be somebody trying to get back at somebody else with a chain email. Ah well...


1,306 posts

263 months

Sunday 17th April 2005
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Something smells very fishy with all that. Maybe its the classic use of 'THIS IS NOT A HOAX' 'PLEASE FORWARD THIS TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS' that appears in all these urban myths.


Original Poster:

25,305 posts

256 months

Sunday 17th April 2005
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You could well be right...


Original Poster:

25,305 posts

256 months

Friday 22nd April 2005
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Just found this in the local rag :


So I'm guessing it's actually genuine


4,301 posts

235 months

Monday 25th April 2005
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Given that they know all bar 2 digits of the reg no. wouldn't it be fairly easy for the BiB to check which of those 100 cars matches the description and is likely to have been in the area?


Original Poster:

25,305 posts

256 months

Monday 25th April 2005
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exactly what I said on the mailing list!