How much to build to a rallycross/grassing car ?

How much to build to a rallycross/grassing car ?



Original Poster:

23 posts

88 months

Friday 8th December 2017
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I have family (who I only see once or twice a year) who do rallycross/grassing and I want to get into it myself (I have some limited experience). How much can I 'build' one for realistically (including sequential box) ?


3,973 posts

146 months

Friday 8th December 2017
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Ten grand for the box straightaway .


9,448 posts

112 months

Friday 8th December 2017
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Ask the family member who does it. Could be 1-100k.


10,350 posts

219 months

Saturday 9th December 2017
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fttm said:
Ten grand for the box straightaway .
Bike engine.