Historic Racing for Noobs.

Historic Racing for Noobs.



Original Poster:

2,346 posts

181 months

Monday 4th December 2017
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Morning all!
It looks like I may be taking possession of a 1978 MG Midget (1500) soon, and have always fancied a go at Historic racing. I don't have an MSA Competition Licence, yet.

So, How would I go about getting involved?
What events / classes etc do midgets race in?
What clubs etc can I contact regarding the process of building the car to race spec?

Any general info on the subject also very much appreciated.

Should add - I used to race Rotax Max Karts up to about 10 years ago.


25,257 posts

171 months

Monday 4th December 2017
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Very exciting!

There's definitely a Spridget grid which would appear to be run by the MG club?

First word of caution would be to make you aware that prepping a road car into a racer is generally much more expensive and time consuming than buying a ready raced one.


Original Poster:

2,346 posts

181 months

Monday 4th December 2017
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Thanks. I'll look that up, hopefully they have a novice class!

Re the race prep - Yes I know what you mean, however its something i'd be doing myself, not paying someone to do - At least that way I know its either done right or I know what corners have been cut. and I can only blame myself when it goes wrong.
I hear stories weekly of people having engine builds and race prop go tits up and leave the owner many thousands in debt with a useless car.


4,747 posts

233 months

Tuesday 5th December 2017
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There's "historic racing" and "historic racing" and not all of it is the same! By that I mean that you get race series where cars have to be to an homologated FIA spec as they were "back in the day" (say pre 1966) and this can get very expensive. And the cars usually have to be genuine pre 1966 cars too. Note, I use pre 1966 as an example.

However, there are also plenty of club racing series for classic cars where the regs are less constrained and probably more suitable for what you have in mind.

The MG Car Club is an obvious example - have a look at the motorsport section of their web side. I don't know too much about them but there is a Spridget series with cars and classes in various states of tune. A mate of mine races in the "Cockshutt Cup", but he tells me that the 1500 Midget engine is a "boat anchor" and that the A-Series is the better option.

There are other clubs such as CSCC, which I am a member of, and which is very novice friendly, which has a series ideal for a Midget, called "Swinging Sixties". Plenty of Midgets race in this series already. 40 minute races with a pit stop means that there is plenty of track time; you can also share the car with another driver to share costs, and to help each other out, and many drivers do this inc me.

Midgets have a good spares and knowledge support base so should be a good option to race in whatever relevant series you choose, although as someone else has said, it is usually cheaper to buy a car already built that build yourself! It isn't just a case of bolting in a cage and going racing!

Enjoy, it's addictive, and I love being involved even though I am not that quick!

ETA - to get your licence, and general help with novice driver coaching, speak to the team at the "Motorsport School", they are based at Mallory Park but do licence courses at several other venues inc Rockingham, Donington and Lydden Hill. Pete Edwards and his team are very good and will help you out, they don't just take you through The ARDS course they will give you tuition as well.

Edited by andy97 on Tuesday 5th December 06:25