


Original Poster:

16,368 posts

287 months

Tuesday 19th June 2001
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Did anyone get stopped for speeding this year, and if so what were the attitudes of the French Police. last year it was just an on the spot fine but it hear this year they have clamped down?


52 posts

287 months

Tuesday 19th June 2001
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Didn't get caught but according to those that did, still fines although hefty. Warnings of gendaremes was same as ever so good that way. Saw a Griff, Elise & Jap turbo thingy get done just after we had spotted the radar trap..if it's the same bunch then according to the club site, 5000ff was the price... Saw a dancing donkey in right old mess getting pulled out of a drainage ditch on Sunday. Long skidmarks in the gravel at the side of the road, just after you came over a hill and got confronted by queues for a traffic light! (The sign before the hill, warning of potential queues was in French, would you believe it !!)


513 posts

287 months

Tuesday 19th June 2001
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Didn't see any speed traps, although I did see a nasty sight...a NEW toll booth going up around Alencon ! Looks like a new route is on the cards next year ! Patrick.


Original Poster:

16,368 posts

287 months

Tuesday 19th June 2001
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5000ff thats a lot mine was 600ff for 217kph in a 110kph zone... although i have heard its worse it you double the limit ( good job we had some time to slow down) >>>dancing donkey in a ditch<<<< another one eh, their was a dutch plated 355 that hit a seat thingy whilst doing burn outs at arnarge /indy corner.. the seat was sitting traffic comming the other way and had the front mashed and a wheel almost ripped off. the F533 just legged it with rear body work hanging off.


Original Poster:

16,368 posts

287 months

Tuesday 19th June 2001
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Toll booth at alencon, yeh there is a new bit of mway which will go straight to le mans.... I bet Mc Donalds and ALencon will love thet... as it will miss them out...


2,526 posts

286 months

Tuesday 19th June 2001
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I went along the toll booth on Saturday morning about 12:30am and it was all shut up. Came back that way on Sunday and they had opened it up. Didn't get done but saw a radar on that toll road coming from Le Mans to Alencon. In fact didn't have any problems all the way there and all the way back until I got off the boat in Dover at 3:30am Mon, Police pulled me up about my front no. plate being too small! (Typical) Like I give a S**t after driving all night and at that time in the morning.


449 posts

285 months

Wednesday 20th June 2001
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"Long skidmarks in the gravel at the side of the road, just after you came over a hill and got confronted by queues for a traffic light! (The sign before the hill, warning of potential queues was in French, would you believe it !!)" One of the Westfields in our little group on the way home was very nearly rear-ended by 2 1/2 tonnes of 1920s Bentley in similar circumstances !! We ended up with a Westfield on one side and the front wheel of the Bentley on the other !! Bet the poor driver was filling his pants when he saw us stand on the brakes ! Other than that, a pretty uneventful journey home - had to give a few Porkers the hurry up when they were overtaking and got a bit of a finger wagging from Monsieur le Plod.


27 posts

287 months

Thursday 21st June 2001
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Toll booth at alencon, yeh there is a new bit of mway which will go straight to le mans.... I bet Mc Donalds and ALencon will love thet... as it will miss them out...
Yeah but, being new, the peage was beautifully smooth and almost empty this year. Got up to 140mph before traffic in front came into view so I had to back off. Good fun! Russell