101 things to do with the neighbour from hell

101 things to do with the neighbour from hell



Original Poster:

19 posts

290 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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Most PH's seem to be smarter than the average bear and many a wrong would have been righted if the advice found in these pages were followed. So naturally I thought here would be the place to seek advice.
This person I know (not me)is currently suffering from a ‘neighbour from hell’. A really nasty bit of work who will appear on TV soon I’m sure. He has disputes on the go with all of his neighbours and the council, the Police know him well and are fed up with him, in fact the only person who is pleased to see him is his solicitor (a wealthy man by now I’m sure). He doesn’t work, he lives off the income from some of his larger payoffs, and devotes his entire day to scheming, letter writing and information gathering (video etc). This level of commitment is very difficult to counter as he knows every in and out of the laws he uses.
The problem is that this chap I know is now in the position that he can no longer afford the legal costs (10k+)of a defence against the ‘NFH’ but at the same time by not defending himself he will lay himself open to just about any claim. It’s a kind of legal poker where the opponent can simply afford to up the stake (using assets similarly gained) and win by default.
I am hoping someone may have some suggestions (at least semi-legal ones if poss) as how to bring such an impasse to an end or where to get such info. Failing that suggestions for revenge might help?……..


3,005 posts

290 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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A little confused? is you friend the one that is sueing everyone? or is the suing/camcorder bloke the NFH?

anyway, if funds are actually low, the law society (Ipsley court redditch) can offer legal aid based on savings etc. it doesnt matter what your house is worth etc.

your solicitor should arrange and get this sorted, they tend to like it, as it garuntees payments for them.


2,314 posts

266 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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How about going to the Citizen's Advice Bureau and applying for legal aid?

At the very least each CAB office has a list of sympathetic lawyers/solicitors who will give free advice. Perhaps there's a solution that the solicitors know about but we don't?

Just a suggestion.


8,293 posts

283 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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Sounds like the worst kind of parasite. Any chance of some clues as to what he is "going after" your friend for?


2,937 posts

277 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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I've read that £250 in the wrong pub in the wrong part of town can rent you a shooter......

£10 for a spade/shovel and £20 for a large sack of lime (as per Joe Pesci not the green fruit) and a good alibi should sort the problem.

It's a softly softly approach I know, but then again, I'm just a bleeding heart liberal


67,280 posts

276 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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Demolition Order!

No, you wont be able to knock his house down but once you have applied for one its permanent, comes up on a land registry search and they get a nice letter stuck to their front door informing them that the order has been served.

Either that or apply for planning permission to turn it into a drug rehab centre!



8,071 posts

278 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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I reckon the only cost effective approach is to pay a bunch of nutters to go round his house and give him a good kicking - sounds like he's got so many enemies no-one will be able/want to prove who ordered it.

Or tell a local tabloid he's a peadophile - getting himself out of that mess should keep him busy for a while...


3,757 posts

267 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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he's a peadophile

He's obviously covering something up with those diversionary tactics.


8,293 posts

283 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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peadophile - thats someone who abuses garden vegetables? Dirty bugger.


Original Poster:

19 posts

290 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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Just to clarify the NFH is suing/has a dispute with all his neighbours including my friend. The current bone of contention concerns 3ft of land. However it has been magnified to include the cost of planting fully grown trees to replace those that he claims have been removed (no trees had been removed but that is a little tricky to prove) and the cost of getting the people who make Ordinance Survey maps out in order to prove the ‘disputed’ land lies within the thickness of the line on the registry map. It is catch 22, to avoid the cost of the fight over the land my friend would gladly relinquish the land but as soon as he does this he is liable to return the land to its claimed original condition. NFH does not want to settle, he would prefer to prolong the battle, and does so by making offers of an acceptable solution and then withdrawing at a critical point.


1,991 posts

274 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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However it has been magnified to include the cost of planting fully grown trees to replace those that he claims have been removed (no trees had been removed but that is a little tricky to prove)

Can't you buy satellite photos of your house on the web somewhere? It may be possible to get one that proves there were no trees there. Probably need to get the NFH to incriminate himself with alleged dates of chopping first.



1,525 posts

273 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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Sadly, this is the major downfall of the legal system. You cannot opt to "not fight" as it would mean losing by default. And if you fight, you waste a lot of money and time and then win and receive nothing in compensation. Realistically there is no choice but to fight him, but that said, you can do it more cost effectively. Remember that no solicitor is any good anyway, and without a massive effort on your part, you can expect a large bill and no win.

Much of the legal system is in part about wasting each others time and resources and just generally wearing the opponent down so that they either give up or make concessions. If there were any further details I am sure someone would be able to help. If I was furnished with more details I could perhaps give some advice as to ways of delaying and generally up the opponents head. You need to be very meticulous in the gathering details and data work, and must be very detailed where necessary and ambiguous where that is called for. Remember too that some judges are arses and that its all on a balance of probability. Just make sure that balance comes your way. I could elaborate on things a little more if there was more details.

Good Luck


2,999 posts

267 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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Erm, "no solicitor is any good anyway". Not sure I'd fully agree with that.


28,377 posts

290 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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he is liable to return the land to its claimed original condition.

Surely if you have a number of neighbours the NFH is in dispute with you just need to all tell the same story. If a number of you got together you could also split legal costs. Counter-sue the NFH for fifty minor things and create legal "noise". (PH lawyer could think stuff up?)

Also: consider planting some rare species of native tree on the land and ensuring a preservation order gets served on them. Accidentlly "spot" rare wildlife which needs protecting etc etc. Should be good for a laugh.


1,525 posts

273 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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Erm, "no solicitor is any good anyway". Not sure I'd fully agree with that.

The map is not the territory, and opinions are usually made up of experience. Its just thats my experience. Only ever met 2 lawyers who were any good. 2 out of 40 lawyers! On the basis of my experience, they're like blood suckers, Ambulance Chasers aren't they? Barristers on the other hand, have always been very good to deal with.

Sorry if you are a good lawyer, or if you know one!


11,430 posts

272 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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The perfect solution............. or a good kickin might work.

But I do like the paedophile idea - that'd kick up a huge stink around him - even better if you could arrange a few suspicious photos of him lurking somewhere to go with the allegation.... gotta be do-able.

Aren't boundary disputes a real bugger.


13,382 posts

273 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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the good kicking option works for me...

Or.. obtain a car the same as his, attach his number plates to it and drive past all the local cameras at twice the limit.. several (dozen) times..


9,699 posts

280 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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send a report to the Environment Agency telling them you have seen Great Crested Newts (or summat like that) living in his garden and they'll get a protection order sorted out in no time at all.... he'll also be banned from his own property until the EA carry out a study, which should take up to 6 months


565 posts

268 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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legal option: vidoe any of his disagreeable activilties for use in court.

illegal option: If he has a car, wait till he goes out and open the bonnet. Remove the dipstick and pull the handle off the end. With tin snips, cut an inch of dip stick, replace plastic handle and close bonnet. Repeat until car expires. Wear gloves.

good luck


67,280 posts

276 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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Now this may be a silly idea but if you type his address into streetmap you can get an aerial photo of the land around the area. If there were no trees at the date of the photo then surely case closed?

Probably thought of this already though eh?
