Race of Champions with Quattro, 205 T16, Manta 400 3 dr Cos

Race of Champions with Quattro, 205 T16, Manta 400 3 dr Cos



Original Poster:

13,363 posts

248 months

Friday 17th November 2017
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Forget the crappy ROC of recent years, I just found a Rallying gem on Youtube.


1988 Race of Champions with

Ari Vatenan
Stig Blomqvist
Walter Rhol
Yuha Kankunen
Hannu Mikkola
Miki Biasion
Bjorn Waltergard

(apologies for my bad spelling)


Sierra Cosworth 3rd
Manta 400
Quattro Sport (the bad boy of group B)
206 T16

excuse the VHS quality and bland commentary and just enjoy some of the worlds best rally drivers sharing the best rally cars on a real rally course - not some micky mouse football stadium course.

Edited by rallycross on Friday 17th November 23:20

Edited by rallycross on Friday 17th November 23:40

Edited by rallycross on Friday 17th November 23:40