Nurburgring 24hr Paddock access?

Nurburgring 24hr Paddock access?



Original Poster:

2,124 posts

186 months

Tuesday 14th November 2017
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Does anyone know if the general admission ticket for the N24 allows access to the paddock/viewing area above the pits at the GP circuit?

From what I can see only the VIP tickets advertise direct access to the paddock and the pitlane.

At the Spa 24hr GA could access the paddock and viewing area but some of it was sectioned off as TOTAL hospitality.

Do I need to buy a VIP ticket for the N24 to get in?

Any info is appreciated.

Stuart Thompson

581 posts

174 months

Tuesday 14th November 2017
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Hi, paddock access is possible and you can access the rear of pit garages although most keep the shutters closed.


2,255 posts

255 months

Thursday 16th November 2017
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The paddock is free. But wonderfully chaotic.

In past year's the public have been able to get on the gridwalk.

It is quite unlike most race events.....hence the appeal