Engine bay temps? Heat shielding?

Engine bay temps? Heat shielding?


Boosted LS1

Original Poster:

21,198 posts

271 months

Tuesday 7th November 2017
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I thought this might be a good place to ask what you guys use for bulkhead heat shielding? I'm looking for something to reduce heat coming into the footwells and bulkhead area of the car. I'll also need to insulate the transmission tunnel. I've seen various products on the market but are any known to excel whilst being easy to fit? Thanks.


3,346 posts

198 months

Tuesday 7th November 2017
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try peter high on the chim forum he has just done his car out and I believe you probably know him ( Phazed )

Boosted LS1

Original Poster:

21,198 posts

271 months

Tuesday 7th November 2017
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Thanks, I shall do. :-)