RE: Infra Red Headlamps

RE: Infra Red Headlamps

Monday 18th June 2001

Infra Red Headlamps

See in the dark



Original Poster:

266 posts

283 months

Monday 18th June 2001
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These folks say that the IR won''t dazzle other road users, cos it''s "invisible to the human eye". But wot if two IR equipped vehicles meet? Have they thought about this? (Not an insurmountable problem, I''m sure! But surely needs some work. Or will IR lights have all the same optical qualities e.g. beam pattern, as conventional lights?). And if you meet another one coming the other way, will the two of you be ''blinded'' for 370feet until you can see stuff illuminated by your conventional lights? Just thinking aloud...


1,453 posts

289 months

Tuesday 19th June 2001
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..especially for older drivers whose night vision may be less acute... Er, might it not be cheaper, safer and easier to put these older drivers under a curfew? Logically, then MG Rover could bring out a modified 45 with no lights apart from a right hand indicator permanently on - think of the money that could be saved! Edited by muley on Tuesday 19th June 08:09 Edited by muley on Tuesday 19th June 08:16


11,104 posts

284 months

Tuesday 19th June 2001
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True Muley, they would also only need to fit 2 forward gears and a reverse in the gearbox, and a really, really, short steering rack that only turns 1/8th of a turn each way so getting into car parking spaces and doing 3 sorry 17 point turns while revving at 17000rpm is easily achieved. Any other ideas anyone?