Anyone going to Combe this sat? My lad is on the grid!

Anyone going to Combe this sat? My lad is on the grid!


silverback mike

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11,292 posts

264 months

Wednesday 11th October 2017
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If anyone's going come along to say hello in the paddock - I'm on the spanners and my lad is driving his black and red saxo in the hot hatch challenge - we're proper amateurs and he's doing really well in his first season as 3rd in class. He's number 91. Come and say hello!


9,041 posts

271 months

Wednesday 11th October 2017
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Just down the road from me, might pop over

silverback mike

Original Poster:

11,292 posts

264 months

Wednesday 11th October 2017
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Oilchange said:
Just down the road from me, might pop over


1,189 posts

235 months

Wednesday 11th October 2017
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I'm there as an accredited photographer.

silverback mike

Original Poster:

11,292 posts

264 months

Wednesday 11th October 2017
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andrewcliffe said:
I'm there as an accredited photographer.
That's not your picture I posted is it rofl well.....I mean it is my lad in the car but photographs were 'jack flash' I was unable to keep a steady hand biggrin


607 posts

139 months

Thursday 12th October 2017
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Good luck for Saturday, not sure if I'm going to go yet. A friend also races in the hot hatch series in a white civic, he won last time out after having a good battle with the 205s biggrin

silverback mike

Original Poster:

11,292 posts

264 months

Friday 13th October 2017
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That white civic is a beauty as are the black 205's. They are in class A I think. All packed and ready andnthanks for the good luck. Fingers crossed!!


9,463 posts

239 months

Thursday 19th October 2017
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How did he get on then....?

silverback mike

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11,292 posts

264 months

Thursday 19th October 2017
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Did really well thanks - we had a great day and overall he was 4th in class. Very impressed as it was his first season but just needs a little more straight line power so project engine swap this winter!!!

silverback mike

Original Poster:

11,292 posts

264 months

Thursday 19th October 2017
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silverback mike

Original Poster:

11,292 posts

264 months

Thursday 19th October 2017
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silverback mike

Original Poster:

11,292 posts

264 months

Thursday 19th October 2017
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High tech bonnet stay rofl


13,364 posts

248 months

Thursday 19th October 2017
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silverback mike said:
High tech bonnet stay rofl
Spend the money where it's needed, a carbon fibre bonnet stay does not make a cheap racing car go faster !

Mike you must be proud he's done really well for his first season and most importantly has not had any crashes / smashes - very well done indeed! Great to see my old car going well. It's been racing since 2009.

If you decide to do next year and want more power give Tom Bell at TBR a call. The engine in your car is the engine from his stock hatch winning blue Saxo (130 bhp ).

This year Tom has helped a few stock hatch drivers upgrade these TBR S/H engines to open class C and B spec in 750mc Hot hatch - he can advise on best mods per ££ - throttle bodies etc.

Will Hunt got the same engine and modified it for this year and it's producing a reliable 160/170 bhp, same 8v stock hatch engine with omex but with mods, he won his class in 750 MC.

silverback mike

Original Poster:

11,292 posts

264 months

Saturday 21st October 2017
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Must admit Craig I’m really proud of him. He did incredibly well as did the car. He did have a couple of bangs, all admirably dealt with - a bash in the rear by Nick Mizen which we all had a chuckle about and a side swipe by another - the dent I managed to pull out with a bog plunger....
Interesting that the engine has a bit more like in there - we will definately look into it for next season as I’m sure he wants to get stuck in again...
Keep in touch - we will keep ou posted also!