Any Tips for Parking at Brands Hatch?

Any Tips for Parking at Brands Hatch?



Original Poster:

208 posts

137 months

Thursday 28th September 2017
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I'm off to Brands Hatch with a few mates on Sunday to catch the final BTCC race of the season. I'm very excited as I haven't been to Brands since I was a boy. However, the weather forecast looks terrible and it sounds as though the car parking is in boggy fields if the weather is poor and I'm a bit concerned about my car getting stuck or damaged as I'm rather precious about it. The reports of poor parking conditions seem quite old so maybe parking provision has improved.

Does anyone have any words of advice or reassurance that past issued have been sorted? I expect it to be busy and will be setting off early. Hopefully the bad reports are just internet tittle tattle.

Many thanks in advance all!


3,244 posts

119 months

Thursday 28th September 2017
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Take a tow rope and earn extra money by helping people to get moving again


Original Poster:

208 posts

137 months

Thursday 28th September 2017
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Hmm, I was hoping for tips on how to avoid needing a tow rope. Great shout though, thanks.

Sea Demon

1,162 posts

224 months

Thursday 28th September 2017
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If you get there early enough you might be able to park in the hotel car park next door or go in the south bank entrance, and park up the top near druids - if you do park on South bank, don't park right up against the fence because if its rains too much you might end up stuck trying to reverse/drive up the slope of the grass - hotel or top of druids will be best ground wise.

You could also try round at the paddock entrance, there are some units/garages which aren't usually open on a Sunday so you might be able to park outside 1 of those and enter via the paddock entrance which will bring you out just near Paddock Hill bend, also be easier to get out when you leave traffic wise as they usually send everything in 1 direction, being at paddock you can avoid all that if you need to get to the M20 etc

Edited by Sea Demon on Thursday 28th September 16:01


Original Poster:

208 posts

137 months

Thursday 28th September 2017
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Thanks very much, I appreciate the advice.

Sea Demon

1,162 posts

224 months

Thursday 28th September 2017
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No problem - if you haven't pre-booked South Bank parking its £5 extra on the gate but if you park up at Druids and watch half way down between druids and Graham hill bend you get a good view of Paddock Hill, Druids and Graham Hill bends, always plenty of action right in front of you too, everyone will have their favorite spots though.


Original Poster:

208 posts

137 months

Thursday 28th September 2017
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Nice one. We've already booked tickets on Paddock Hill grandstand, but it'll be interesting to mooch about and see what's what. I'm very excited, I used to pop in with an old relative quite regularly when I was around 7-10 years as we lived nearby. Although we never got to see a race I'm hoping some happy memories will be brought back!


217 posts

221 months

Friday 29th September 2017
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Not a great idea to park outside paddock gates, very easily boxed in and some of the units are operational.
Saw a guy examining a nice scrape down the side of his BMW as a 3 ton truck tried to manoeuvre from his unit!

There is plenty of flat parking behind main grandstands that is free and should be OK to sensible drivers in poor weather.


2,688 posts

224 months

Friday 29th September 2017
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7/11 said:
Not a great idea to park outside paddock gates, very easily boxed in and some of the units are operational.
Saw a guy examining a nice scrape down the side of his BMW as a 3 ton truck tried to manoeuvre from his unit!

There is plenty of flat parking behind main grandstands that is free and should be OK to sensible drivers in poor weather.

Follow the signs for the parking and you should be ok.


Original Poster:

208 posts

137 months

Friday 29th September 2017
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Thanks again all.


217 posts

221 months

Friday 29th September 2017
quotequote all
Not a great idea to park outside paddock gates, very easily boxed in and some of the units are operational.
Saw a guy examining a nice scrape down the side of his BMW as a 3 ton truck tried to manoeuvre from his unit!

There is plenty of flat parking behind main grandstands that is free and should be OK to sensible drivers in poor weather.