Epic Helmet Toss



Original Poster:

1,130 posts

201 months

Monday 25th September 2017
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Thought this was worth a share.
I was on the flag in the background when old mate wasn't thrilled with the outcome of a bingle.

And also this beast which claimed the new track record that had stood for 35 years.


5,782 posts

177 months

Thursday 28th September 2017
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The only one that I was close to when he lost it big time was Will Gollop after the final of a European Rallycross round .Proper slammed it into the ground that sent bits flying everywhere . I was incharge of post race parc ferme when it happened . He was restrained by Per Eklund who then marched over to the driver who had caused all the upset wrenched the door of his car open and bellowed "YOU ARE NOT GOOD DRIVER" then stomped off .