RV8 Verses Flat 6



Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Tuesday 12th September 2017
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From Donnington at the weekend.........................................



7,793 posts

237 months

Thursday 14th September 2017
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I was enjoying the V8 on V8 action with you and the 928 for the first few laps.

Were you having clutch/gearbox problems as it seemed on a few occasions you were struggling with the box?


Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Thursday 14th September 2017
quotequote all
Glad you enjoyed the racing, it has been excellent this year ,plenty of battles with that 928 of Mark Chilton rapid car that and he can pedel. No problems just the nut behind the steering wheel been a bit too gung hoe LOL tongue out.

Taken from a dictionary

gung ho
(gʌŋ hoʊ  ) also gung-ho

If you say that someone is gung ho, you mean that they are very enthusiastic or eager to do something, for example to fight in a battle.

Edited by 77racing on Thursday 14th September 09:48