AutoSolo noob questions

AutoSolo noob questions



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3,710 posts

179 months

Monday 7th August 2017
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I've been thinking of entering an autosolo event for a while - it sounds like a relatively risk free kind of motorsport with a competitive edge, and cheap to boot (mainly as I doubt I'll be killing tyres or brakes).

I've never done anything like this before. I don't have any kind of MSA / ARDS license. I've driven on track a couple of times, but through experience days and the like - not an organised track day per se.

I've been looking up online but I'm a bit lost.

Hopefully someone can shed some light on my questions?

I'm looking at this event as relatively local -

License - the events seem to talk about an "RTA license". Is this a regular car driving license, or something else?

My car is a regular hot hatch (Megane 175). No timing aids, slicks, cage, blah blah blah. I think that will be fine. I understand that due to the size, weight and engine size (2l diesel), it won't be competitive. That's ok! The application form asks for classes - Class A1, A2, B, C. Is there any definitions anywhere? Will the fact it's modified (lightly) cause any issues?

Do I need a helmet? If so does it need to be approved to a certain standard?

Is there a defined list of what would pass or fail scrutineering? I would like to mount a camera in the car, but I know on trackdays this can be an issue?

Any comments, hints or abuse accepted...


4,128 posts

225 months

Tuesday 8th August 2017
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Not done one for a couple of years now, but they are great fun.

You don't need anything other than a road legal car and a driving license, and club membership - can usually buy as part of entry fee. No helmet, mods, or anything else. The whole point is to keep it slow (2nd gear max, mostly 1st gear) so it's cheap entry level sport.

There are classes, and all sorts turn up. Yes there will be one or two modded cars with fast drivers, but there will be a complete range and you'll find that just trying to nail a good run is rewarding enough without even worrying about everyone else.



693 posts

198 months

Tuesday 8th August 2017
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Jakg said:
License - the events seem to talk about an "RTA license". Is this a regular car driving license, or something else?
Yes, that's a normal driving licence (RTA being Road Traffic Act)

[quote]My car is a regular hot hatch (Megane 175). No timing aids, slicks, cage, blah blah blah. I think that will be fine. I understand that due to the size, weight and engine size (2l diesel), it won't be competitive. That's ok! The application form asks for classes - Class A1, A2, B, C. Is there any definitions anywhere? Will the fact it's modified (lightly) cause any issues?
Class definitions vary between organising clubs but are typically determined by type of car and engine size. There's a link on that page to the SRs with the class definitions in it. Your car sounds like it would be "Class A2 Production saloons/ estates/4 seater coupes 1401cc and over."

In terms of modifications as long as it still looks like a megane and it's not excessively noisy then it's probably fine. Tyres will need to be boring road tyres (see list 1A in the blue book, if your tyres aren't on there because they're crap then check with the organising club but they're almost certainly fine, if your tyres are on list 1B or 1C then they're not allowed for autosolos).
If you are in any doubt ask the organisers.

[quote]Do I need a helmet? If so does it need to be approved to a certain standard?
Generally not. Autosolos are supposed to be fairly slow. Some clubs do require them but it'd say on there if they did.

[quote]Is there a defined list of what would pass or fail scrutineering?
Generally they'd just check everything looks ok, that the steering is attached, the seats and belts are ok, the brakes work and that nothing is loose.
Autosolos generally require that the cars are road legal and driven to the event so it'll need a current MOT etc.


425 posts

114 months

Wednesday 9th August 2017
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As long as it's got an mot you should be OK. Make sure battery terminals are clearly marked and that's about it from what I can remember. I gave up doing them as I found them boring and to slow you would get more enjoyment from a track day.
Taga rallys are alot more enjoyable and faster. You could maybe look at 12 cars but you would need to find a navagator.