The BAD PARKING thread [vol4]

The BAD PARKING thread [vol4]


Shaw Tarse

Original Poster:

31,677 posts

211 months


33,123 posts

236 months

Sunday 25th June 2017
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Shaw Tarse said:
Out of interest why do some threads get closed and reopened like this one, and some do not, unless it happens to all threads.


3,137 posts

150 months

Sunday 25th June 2017
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It's because of thread length apparently, I suppose the PH hamster can't cope with longer threads or something.


4,022 posts

121 months

Sunday 25th June 2017
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In with the first picture!


33,123 posts

236 months

Sunday 25th June 2017
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Muddle238 said:

In with the first picture!
This is for "Bad Parking", not abandoned cars biggrin


1,280 posts

154 months

Sunday 25th June 2017
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Vipers said:
Muddle238 said:

In with the first picture!
This is for "Bad Parking", not abandoned cars biggrin


11,919 posts

247 months

Monday 26th June 2017
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Phone dump...

Is depth perception a disability?

(the Volvo in the distance, I couldn't be bothered to walk past our car to get a better shot)


1,404 posts

183 months

Monday 26th June 2017
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On double yellow lines
On pavement
Plenty of parking opposite
Small gap


2,866 posts

160 months

Monday 26th June 2017
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One from earlier this year. Normally I would have thought stupid tt and walked past. However I was in a wheelchair at the time and couldn't. I ended up having to go on the road down to the next side road just because some ignorant fk couldn't be bothered to walk a few metres more (there were spaces on the main road). Some people don't have the luxury to walk.


21,268 posts

212 months

Monday 26th June 2017
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But on a lighter note, same space


4,022 posts

121 months

Monday 26th June 2017
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Car park not even remotely full! Yes, that's a PCN, karma strikes.


725 posts

128 months

Monday 26th June 2017
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I hope that PCN comes with a mandatory eye test.


7,059 posts

107 months

Tuesday 27th June 2017
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657 posts

181 months

Tuesday 27th June 2017
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Parked in a disabled bay and even then it's not straight. Looks like a 570s to me?

I have more pictures but don't want to "name and shame" just yet. Wonder why there's no front plate!

Edited by motoroller on Tuesday 27th June 11:07


33,123 posts

236 months

Tuesday 27th June 2017
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motoroller said:

Parked in a disabled bay and even then it's not straight. Looks like a 570s to me?

I have more pictures but don't want to "name and shame" just yet. Wonder why there's no front plate!

Edited by motoroller on Tuesday 27th June 11:07
What car is that?


20,083 posts

124 months

Tuesday 27th June 2017
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ashleyman said:
Should we start a 'Fly Tipping' thread?


3,137 posts

150 months

Tuesday 27th June 2017
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MartG said:
Shopping or picking up cash?

If it's cash as far as I'm concerned they can park where they want.

On an unrelated note is anyone else getting a bit fed up seeing cars parked 'wrong' yet the bays are plainly too small, so how else could they park?

That isn't really 'badly parked' and shows a lack of thought on the poster rather than the parker.


657 posts

181 months

Tuesday 27th June 2017
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Vipers said:
What car is that?
McLaren, I think 570s but am ready to be corrected.


4,022 posts

121 months

Tuesday 27th June 2017
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6,813 posts

192 months

Tuesday 27th June 2017
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Vipers said:
motoroller said:

Parked in a disabled bay and even then it's not straight. Looks like a 570s to me?

I have more pictures but don't want to "name and shame" just yet. Wonder why there's no front plate!

Edited by motoroller on Tuesday 27th June 11:07
What car is that?
A car for ants.