Recommended Diesel remappers near Guildford

Recommended Diesel remappers near Guildford


Lord Pikey

Original Poster:

3,257 posts

226 months

Wednesday 16th November 2016
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I recently acquired a 2009 120d (177). Does anyone have any experiences of diesel re-mappers near Guildford they can recommend?




2,385 posts

145 months

Wednesday 16th November 2016
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If you just want a quick map (rather than full on rolling road session) I was very happy with Simon from Emaps. He travels to you.

Met me at work with my old E39 525d, checked everything over, installed his map, took me for a test drive while he checked everything was healthy and went on his way. I did another 30k in that car before selling it and it's still going somewhere I believe and must be on 150k+ by now. The difference in driving was night and day. I think it cost around £300, but this was a couple of years ago mind.


1,398 posts

219 months

Wednesday 16th November 2016
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Is Fleet close enough.... I would recommend Richard at Rabbid Remaps , he did a live remap on my 996 Turbo and would not hesitate to use him again and is excellent value for money. I know hes done plenty of diesels