Chopping block needed



Original Poster:

678 posts

209 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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Bit of a random one, but does anyone nearish to reading/bracknell have a decent sized bit of tree they no longer need? I need something to split wood on. Thanks!

Happy Jim

1,033 posts

250 months

Sunday 23rd October 2016
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This might be a "small world" moment.....

I can bring one into Brackers one day this week if you like ;-)



Original Poster:

678 posts

209 months

Sunday 23rd October 2016
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Happy Jim said:
This might be a "small world" moment.....

I can bring one into Brackers one day this week if you like ;-)

Ha it definitely is!

I'm there tomorrow, but if you're not I'll message you and we can sort smile

Happy Jim

1,033 posts

250 months

Wednesday 26th October 2016
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Thought I'd break the habit of a lifetime.....Thread Closure update - how very un-PH :-)

All that just so you can sing Lumberjack songs ;-)

Happy chopping



3,547 posts

128 months

Tuesday 1st November 2016
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