Drive to PH Silverstone Sunday Service 23rd Oct.

Drive to PH Silverstone Sunday Service 23rd Oct.



Original Poster:

1,244 posts

206 months

Tuesday 11th October 2016
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If anyone else is going and would like to meet up before for a fun drive in via a scenic route, add your name below. The plan is to leave from Peartree Services ( just off the A34 at Oxford) at 7.30am to get to Silverstone in time for 8.30am

1. Si_xsi - R32

Master Bean

4,212 posts

131 months

Tuesday 11th October 2016
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I'm on track at 9:35 so will need to know my signing on time but for now I'll say yes.


582 posts

179 months

Wednesday 12th October 2016
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Me too, but I am down Surrey way (Woking) so maybe could join on your way down.

Master Bean

4,212 posts

131 months

Monday 17th October 2016
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1. Si_xsi - R32
2. Master Bean - Caterham

My briefing is at 8:20am so it'll have to be a direct route.


15,966 posts

129 months

Friday 21st October 2016
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Hi Si, would love to, I'm on the 10.10 session and worried about queues and what not so gonna leave about 7:30 from Newbury.


Original Poster:

1,244 posts

206 months

Friday 21st October 2016
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Yeah no worries guys, I think on this occasion, given people are booked on track and need to get there on time plus Limited interest, we just make our own way there and scrap the drive this time round. No doubt see you there, will get a few pics if I can of you on track! Have fun!

Master Bean

4,212 posts

131 months

Friday 21st October 2016
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Okly dokly