NIP. Is there any time limit ?
I got a NIP for 105mph on a 70mph dual carriageway. Have not heard further yet, that was five weeks ago.
Is there any time limit within whch prosecution must follow.
People with similar experience, what can I expect.
I am expecting a ban and big fine.
I work overseas and spend very little time in UK. I went into my local police station and asked for advice. They contacted the prosecuting officer but I have not heard anything from them yet.
I expect it will arrive just as I think they have forgotten me.
I had to wait nearly 6 months for mine. I too thought they had forgotten about me.
John Robson should advise on what to expect, but it will almost certainly be a ban, but I don't think you will get a big fine. That is reserved for if they allow you to keep your license. (which is what happened to me

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