Foreign tolls.



Original Poster:

5,789 posts

177 months

Friday 29th April 2016
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Anybody know if private 7.5t box type transporters have to pay the tolls in Belgium and Germany?
If it has to be paid the German toll is pretty straightforward buy it at the border crossing choose route and off you go .
The Belgian one is a different matter as a toll box has to be bought/hired the registered online and linked to your account and Vehicle .
I have emailed the Belgian controlling company but no reply yet .
It's going to impact travel to Spa ,Zolder and the German Circuits
The Belgian control box is €130 which is refunded if returned in good condition.
This does not include any tolls which are charged separately.


1,183 posts

247 months

Friday 29th April 2016
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Sorry, can't help with your question but when I first read the title I thought it said "Foreign Trolls"! biggrin



7,128 posts

271 months

Saturday 30th April 2016
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Belgium yes, Germany no- unless you are trailering behind the 7.5t, the maut reg changed last yr from 12t down to 7.5t+

Lux, Holland, Denmark, Sweden still on vignettes & over 12t so no probs for you.

Edited by iguana on Saturday 30th April 11:19


983 posts

168 months

Friday 6th May 2016
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I've only ever driven to the ring but seen signs for tolls yet never seen any tolls....
What are they?


Original Poster:

5,789 posts

177 months

Friday 6th May 2016
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A new class came in on 1st April in Belgium, all goods vehicles over 3.5t
are liable for tolls ,previously only paid if over 12t.
It's done by an on board unit /toll box ,these are hired/leased for €135 ,these are then registered on line with all the vehicles details and linked to your bank account ,the unit must be switched on all the time in Belgium.
I have had a reply from the toll controller and all goods type vehicles must pay ,there are exceptions but not for private goods type vehicles .