Ignorance when it comes to parking

Ignorance when it comes to parking



Original Poster:

4,751 posts

287 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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Just need to get this off my chest.

I live at the end of a road which is a dead end. Myself and 2 other houses share a driveway which is private, but the pub opposite has a right of access along it for deliveries etc. Increasingly, I am finding their customers using our drive and parking just off it - making it really hard to get my car on and off my front drive into the garage etc. Winds me up terribly and the sl@g who runs the pub couldn't give a tinker's t@ss.

Anybody else get pissed off by other people's inconsideration when it comes to parking. What have you done about it????

Feeling slightly better now


7,731 posts

286 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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Offer to have a party, invite as many drivers as possible, and fill the pub car park with as many badly parked cars as possible. I think your friend in the pub will soon take an interest in the parking situation.

Failing that invest in a few clearly written signs, oh, and a wheel clamp or two.

I used to have the same problem with a neighbor. Shared drive, but I utilised some of their 'land' to be able to get into my parking space. They used to like parking so that I could no longer get my car in. When I asked them if they could help by leaving some space they told me they were parking on their land and they would park how they liked. So one night I just 'abandoned' my car on my land, leaving them a single car width with which to reverse through. They managed it, but since then have been careful to leave me space to get my car out of their way. They dont talk to me any more, but at least I can park!

>> Edited by cpn on Wednesday 21st August 15:53


567 posts

270 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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I came home once to find my drive blocked by the next door neighbours sister. There was space to park above, below, across the road etc .. but oh no I will park right over the drive.
I asked her polity to move it so i could get in the drive, I was huffed at followed by her mumbling things lol

The road is fairly narrow when they park opposite its a real bugger to get in, not a lot I can do about that though


28,377 posts

290 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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We've just moved into a new house. We have a private drive up to the house which we share (joint ownership) with just one neighbour.

On our plot there is a visitor's parking bay. In the covenant and on the plans it says parking for 278-280. This means

1) I own the land
2) I have to let people visiting my neighbours park ing the bay.

I do NOT have to let anyone else park there. Well the bay has had a car in it most nights since I moved in - one of the people down the road's third car. Clearly before we occupied our new house this had been their standard practice.

This is getting my goat a bit. Not because I wouldn't let them use our space occasionally. But because they haven't asked me if I mind...and its regular.

I'm going to have to go and have words with them because whilst I don't mind the odd use of my space in an "emergency" if any of my visitors aren't able to park in MY visitor's parking bay that I PAID FOR I'm going to be annoyed.

Of course - they'll look at it and say "mate, you've got room for eight cars to park up on your drive anyway without counting yer visitors parking bay and we've only got this tiny little drive...". My response will be "Yes. I can park that many cars on my drive if I want to BECAUSE I PAID FOR IT".

Grrrr. I'm going to have to put up SIGNS "Private Drive Access To XX and XXX Only" and "Parking for Visitors To XX and XX Only" - how cheeesy is that! Makes me look like Victor Meldrew...

Thanks for the opportunity to join in on your rant. Inconsiderate Parking - I HATE IT!


749 posts

276 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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Just need to get this off my chest.

I live at the end of a road which is a dead end. Myself and 2 other houses share a driveway which is private, but the pub opposite has a right of access along it for deliveries etc. Increasingly, I am finding their customers using our drive and parking just off it - making it really hard to get my car on and off my front drive into the garage etc. Winds me up terribly and the sl@g who runs the pub couldn't give a tinker's t@ss.

Anybody else get pissed off by other people's inconsideration when it comes to parking. What have you done about it????

Feeling slightly better now
We get the same problem (no pub involved, just overcrowded roads with people from round the corner parking next to our drive entrance. Even had someone park right across our drive (because they hadn't noticed it.. Derrrrr!). Similarly with the Outlaws, they've had people parking across their drive because "you weren't going to use your car"... Mmmm, telepathic strangers... a much underrated talent!


28,377 posts

290 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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Failing that invest in a few clearly written signs, oh, and a wheel clamp or two.

A Clamp! Now theres an


11,298 posts

278 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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we used to have our nextdoor but one's parents parking across our drive, rather than their own .. (cos we weren't in (derrrr..))

..so one day, I parked the puma 1" off the back bumper and the beetle 1" off the front.. ..then went out

We've moved since then...



567 posts

270 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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oo and one I forgot .. I got home one day and the neighbour below had a large dint in his door, so I asked him how it happend. The lady across the street reversed out of her drive and into it, she nocked on his door and said she was sorry etc etc .. "There isnt usualy a car there when I reverse and I wasnt looking"

hmm good job the kids dont play near the her on the street lol "oops sorry about the kid, they dont normaly play down the street"


2,029 posts

274 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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I winced the other day when a Mondeo proceded to use a 550 Maranello as a bump stop while parking - twice!!

He didn't even check to see if he had marked it and just wandered off..

Oh I love living in London!!


7,922 posts

267 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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I used to live in a flatshare with a square drive that would accommodate 4 cars (but only 2 of us had cars). This was next door to the back of an Indian restaurant with no parking. They used to park regularly on our driveway, but never sensibly - always in the middle at the front of the drive so that nothing else could get in.

I used to go over and ask politely for them to move their heaps so's I could get in. Then I got bored and every time I saw them parked there I went over to the restaurant and asked them to move, oh and by the way any chance of a curry on the house for me and my flatmates to make up for the inconvenience??

Result!! Cured the problem within weeks.


Original Poster:

4,751 posts

287 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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Keep the rants coming - its starting to make me feel a little better.

Must admit, I did succeed in blocking in 3 customer cars with mine on purpose (company car!). Pub had to come and ask me to move. Then had a stand up row with Land Lady Sl@g and we haven't spoken since.

I have just written a draft letter to the brewery and I will have my fiancee who is a solicitor have a look at it before sending. Also going to put the case in front of a friendly barrister as I am so pissed off. Cannot bring myself to get into that pub on principle now. It seems that in these tricky situations ending up falling out with the other party is inevitable -so may as well do it through solictors!!!!!!!


6,522 posts

290 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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I winced the other day when a Mondeo proceded to use a 550 Maranello as a bump stop while parking - twice!!

I used to get that on the Griff when we lived in Brighton, people sing my car alarm as a parking sensor...w*nkers..



565 posts

268 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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Easy one this,... similar thing happened to me a few years ago. 'Khant' parks car in my spot. Checked the deeds,... my spot.
Rang police and said,
'I am about to clamp my neighbours car who is parking on my spot. Any problems?' 'No' was coppers reply.
Went to naughty neighbours house, knocked on door and told him I was off to halfords to buy a clamp and the release fee was £200. Khant moved car.


Original Poster:

4,751 posts

287 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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Problem is - the customers at the pub are parking on pub land. Difficulty is, they are using our drive to get to the land. (without a right of way) Once parked, it makes it difficult to reverse because we really need to overhang the pub land to turn out. I can only pursue the fact that they should not be using the drive way in the first place. Believe me, I would LOVE to CLAMP their cars!!!

I am wondering about applying for planning permission for a barrier or a bollard. I can then give the pub a key for their personal access - with out letting customers come through. Any one got any experience of putting barriers up???


1,453 posts

287 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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Six weeks ago a young scroat across the road started parking his hideous clapped out 22 foot long 'new age traveller style' vehicle opposite our house. We never normally have anyone parked in our quiet leafy lane... When asked to move it 4 weeks ago he said he'd move it 'next week'. Three weeks ago he said 'tomorrow' and started to get stroppy.

It is still there.

It does make it difficult to get in and out of our driveway and it is a bloody eyesore. Short of p%ssing in his water tank, surely something can be done with these turds!

Just a sign of the times I suppose - we have to suffer people who just don't give a sh&t.


28,377 posts

290 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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told him I was off to halfords to buy a clamp and the release fee was £200.

Absolute corker! So I shall get a sign - complete with "wheel clampers patrol this area". Hah!


28,377 posts

290 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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I am wondering about applying for planning permission for a barrier or a bollard. I can then give the pub a key for their personal access - with out letting customers come through. Any one got any experience of putting barriers up???

Don't see why you shouldn't be allowed to. At the very least if you apply for planning permission you will be making it clear to the pub that you mean business. After all. It probably says in your covenant somewhere that the pub has access for deliveries. That means THEY have access..no-one else, surely? So you should be able to cut a deal...

Alternatively you could buy a £100 banger or two and leave them parked up blocking the drive.


Original Poster:

4,751 posts

287 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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Thanks Don - exactly what I am thinking. Only costs £12 to apply for plans. Can't wait for the ignorant cow to realise that she will have to get up at 6.00am every Wednesday (including winter) - to let the bin men in. A suitable and equal inconvenience shifted onto her ugly shoulders.


Original Poster:

4,751 posts

287 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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I could also put up a sign "Trespassers will be electrocuted". That'll give them something to think about (assuming they understand long words).


682 posts

288 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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What's the legal situation on clamping?

Is it right you can just stick up a sign, then clamp at will?

The fiancee came home to find next doors home help parked on our drive - even though the road is wide and there is no problem parking outside next door.

When fiancee challenged this woman she said it was because she didn't want to park on the road cos her car might get damaged and ours was the closest space!?!

My good woman makes it very plain that the parking was in no way acceptable. Then next week comes home to find the same car parked - so blocks the home help in.

30 minutes later home help knocks on the door - fiancee, bless her, just ignores it Over an hour later she tries again and fiancee lets her out with a god moan (and at that she excels)

Been quiet for a few weeks, then last week 'Mrs' Filmidget turns up just as this woman is contemplating turning onto our drive - she soon changed her mind!

SO think I wil be making some signs up...

Cheers, Phil