Tuscan Racer refurbishment and some archaeology

Tuscan Racer refurbishment and some archaeology



Original Poster:

929 posts

287 months

Sunday 10th April 2016
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we are just about clearing some of the more or less needed wires collected by the Racer over all its lifetime.
The following (yellow) steel panel with its switches seems to be out of work and left from its earlier times and was
very well hidden behind many wires.
Please would somebody in the knowledge be so kind telling us what the job of the switches used to be.

Thanks very much and best regards,



5,051 posts

251 months

Sunday 10th April 2016
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Are these not circuit breakers rather than switches?


Original Poster:

929 posts

287 months

Monday 11th April 2016
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I see, so no flame-throwers and ejection seats then,
quite disappointing hehe

As our Racer (´96) is a road converted 2 seater we would like to divide the original (race specific) electrics
from the later additions.

The circuit breaker panel is directly connected to the relays as you may see in the pictures.
Is this the original (race specific) configuration?

We are trying to find out what is regulated by which relay/circuit breaker. Does anybody have the same configuration?

Thanks again and very best regards,



514 posts

199 months

Monday 11th April 2016
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Circuit breakers used rather than fuses were used i think


16,373 posts

295 months

Monday 11th April 2016
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is it rover powered or ajp?

on mine the ajp engine loom with the ecu and circuit breaker panel was totally separate from everything else with just a pair of plugs for power to the engine/ecu loom and the fuel pump.

the main engine harness included the relays that are normally mounted on the dash and a couple of blade fuses.

mine was ajp when i bought it and had been carb fed rover before that and I converted to rover with ecu.

Id start be identifying everything on the ecu/engine loom that should be the simplest way to go. then you can trim the rest

Edited by Graham on Monday 11th April 10:41


Original Poster:

929 posts

287 months

Monday 11th April 2016
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Thanks very much!
As far as I know it´s been on AJPs all of its lifetime.


16,373 posts

295 months

Monday 11th April 2016
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Its probably got a road car loom sliced into the race loom, as the race ecu is pinned differently


5,092 posts

278 months

Monday 11th April 2016
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I have the AJP engine and ECU harness wiring diagrams if you want to e mail me


Original Poster:

929 posts

287 months

Monday 11th April 2016
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Graham said:
Its probably got a road car loom sliced into the race loom
Yes, very likely, Graham.


Original Poster:

929 posts

287 months

Monday 11th April 2016
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teamHOLDENracing said:
I have the AJP engine and ECU harness wiring diagrams if you want to e mail me
Thanks Andy, that would be great.


3,346 posts

198 months

Monday 11th April 2016
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not been funny but why not just buy a lucas uni loom £140+ vat and get rid of old and start again. Could be a lot less hassle. One of mine is laced with wires from the early attempt at traction control which never made it very far, knitting but no pattern.