Ever seen a ghost?



Original Poster:

4,751 posts

287 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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Went up to Levens Hall in the Lake District a few weeks ago to stretch my Tuscan legs for the day. My other half was watching a ghost programme on SKY last night about the place - very haunted, if you believe that kind of thing.

Any one here claim to have seen a ghost ( and whilst full of Spirits????)


6,012 posts

290 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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I've seen a ghost. I was sat at my PC in the study of my dad's house. It's an old barn next to a farmhouse that has been converted to a house. The sun was streaming in the large windows so I could see the reflection of the wall behind me in the screen. I distinctly saw a stooped over older man walk behind me, but strangely he was walking below the level of the floor, if you see what I mean. All I could see was down to just below his knees. I was at school at the time and it was the summer holidays. There was noone else in the house. There was no noise, I felt no chills or anything like that.

What surprised me was the fact that I wasn't scared. I always though if I ever saw a ghost I'd be scared $hitless, but there was none of that. It was a very calm experience, this is from someone who's afraid of the dark.


13,382 posts

273 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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I'll have some of what you've been buying Roop


7,156 posts

283 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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I've seen a few. One at my house and teo at Chingle Hall.

The bloke who owned the house before my parents died and he stood at the end of my bed for about 5 nights in a row, in the end I got so annoyed I told him to bugger off and that was the last I saw of him.

Chingle Hall is known for its spooks, I saw the girl in the rocking chair and smelt the lavender - this was before the guide told us that a little girl died in the room from a plague and they used to put lavender in the room to disguse the smell of rotting flesh - thats where the Nursery Rhyme Ring-a-Ring-of-Roses comes from.

As for Roops house - I have certainly felt something brush past me and there are a few "cold" spots. I have never been scared of that stuff but Roops place did give me the shivers at one time.

Mum says if she ever saw a ghost loitering she would get it to do the housework.


5,602 posts

269 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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We've got one in our house which is about 110 years old. Mind you we do live in a bit of a funny town (Coggeshall). Once hit the News of the World as the 'Village of the Dammed'.

I have only seen her once. She has thrown the odd item.... we had a key fly out of the front door lock across the hall and a wooden ornament hit me on the head once - split it open. She is only active when we are decorating or the like. Weird thing is that the time I saw her she was in our bedroom - and for days afterwards the cats kept smelling and rolling in the carpet where she was standing.


14,055 posts

285 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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Once hit the News of the World as the 'Village of the Dammed'.
F*cking beavers

Are you guys serious? I had just assumed all this ghost stuff was 'b*llocks'.



1,879 posts

288 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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Gaffer, you had me worried here....
The bloke who owned the house before my parents died
I had to reread it a fews times before I realised who'd died!

Cheers...... Andrew

>> Edited by gb61390 on Wednesday 21st August 13:37


13,668 posts

267 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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As for Roops house - I have certainly felt something brush past me

Ooh er missus


7,156 posts

283 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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Doh...! thats me and my crappy puncuation.

I was never any good at English well the writing bit anyway but I did get a Grade 2 in the Oral exam, so I can talk bollox.

I believe there is something out there and I would love to have a reading by John Edwards (www.johnedward.net/), he is like totally amazing but so is the waiting list. To have a private reading you have to wait about 2 years even to get into the TV audience is about a years wait.

So yep - there is something there. I mean look at some of the other cultures who celebrate their dead etc so as far as I'm concerened there is something in it.


4,410 posts

275 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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Are you guys serious? I had just assumed all this ghost stuff was 'b*llocks'.

Yeah, that's what I always used to think myself, until about 3 years ago when I saw a ghost in our old home. I, er, "revisited" my opinion on the subject then ...


14,055 posts

285 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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So yep - there is something there. I mean look at some of the other cultures who celebrate their dead etc so as far as I'm concerened there is something in it.
Yebbut millions of people believe in god and yet I don't (no disrespect intended to those who do though).

What would convince me is that if someone swore blind they had seen a ghost without a shadow of a doubt, who wasn't a mentalist and who wasn't making a profit out of it. I guess I'd be convinced if I saw one but even though I'm a sceptic I'm still not volunteering to spend a night in some creepy old digs . But if you claim you've seen one and you are absolutely sure you weren't dreaming or stoned or that there was no other explanation then I'd have to believe it.



18,764 posts

267 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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Roop, Gaffer and BigM - I'll try not to sound like a wide-eyed seven year old here but are you guys being serious here?
Along with b*llocks like Roswell/UFOs, the lesser spotted water kelpie, Sasquatch, poltergeists and owt supernatural, I am a 100% proof sucker.
One theory is that stone can act as some kind of natural 'recorder' which can interact with extra- sensory psychological impulses under certain conditions, allowing a 'replay' of certain 'highly charged' events. The Roman Centurians along York's city walls spring to mind...
I just can't accept that there isn't some genuine, as yet unfathomned explanation for such phenomena. The mind is such an unbelievable thing - BigM - that thing with the key - honest? Bloody superb!

Ok, cue p1ss takes and references to various chemical inebriates. You cynical b*astards!


14,055 posts

285 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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A couple of mates and myself had a seance and despite being pretty sceptical about the whole affair we managed to scare ourselves absolutely sh*tless. It is very very easy to convince yourself that you've seen/heard something out of the ordinary when you're in such a state which is why I find it difficult to take stories of sightings seriously.

Mind you if you just simply saw one when you weren't in such a state then I guess that would leave you with few doubts on the subject.



21,194 posts

278 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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I once woke up and saw a man and a boy standing at the foot of the bed looking down at me. After a while, perhaps 10 seconds, they faded away. I remember them being characters in a dream from that night, so I put the whole thing down to my brain still being sort of half dreaming. But I can easily see how someone else might equally well say they had seen two ghosts.

The whole thing felt completely real. I felt that I was fully awake, and I definitely was sitting up in bed with my eyes open.

I'm a fairly hard core reductionist who believes that our existance is an entirely physical process ... i.e. there are no ghosts, gods etc ... except when the captain says the plane's engines are shagged ... so when I say they weren't ghosts, it's entirely motivated by my belief system. The simple interpretation of what I saw is that the spare bedroom is haunted


464 posts

269 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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I think I saw a ghost once, was walking up the stairs in my home when I felt this real strange feeling (no I was not)kinda cold hot at the same time, Looked up to the landing and saw someone standing there ... not sure if it were male or female cause I legged it back down the stairs like someone had it a fire under my ass... Gathered myself and went back to the stairs , It was gone, Still get this strange feeling from time to time but have gotten used to it and figure that if it were/could hurt anyone it would have done it ages ago, Never told my family about he phantom visitor (could be resident) dont think my kids would be too comfortable sleeping at night and my wife is very afraid of the dark so she wouldn't appreciate it either.

I had not drunk, smoked, poked or spiked anything at the time either!


Original Poster:

4,751 posts

287 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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My mother-in-law saw her neighbour's Jack Russell Terrier walking past her front door. Took a while to register that it had died 5 days earlier. She swears she did not imagine it and I have no doubt to believe her. Spooky.


15,763 posts

276 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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One theory is that stone can act as some kind of natural 'recorder' which can interact with extra- sensory psychological impulses under certain conditions, allowing a 'replay' of certain 'highly charged' events. The Roman Centurians along York's city walls spring to mind...

I`ve about the stone recorder thing , as a kid i had something sitting on the end of my bed , but who knows its a long while ago .

I think there is deffo something going on out there but what who knows, some things just can not be explained.


1,525 posts

273 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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I'll have some of what you've been buying Roop


2,029 posts

274 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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My parents house is haunted.

Once we were all sat watching TV, mum goes upstairs to the loo and the bath is run - piping hot but no one had left the room for an hour or so.

Sister once heard something running up and down the stairs whilst in the shower, was so scared she climbed out of bathroom windows and went to get the neighbour.

I used to tickle the ivories a little and you could always sense people stood behind your shoulder when you played. (think Les Dawson and you might think it was justified!!)

Once came in from a mates house late on night and as I switched on the hallway light, the bulb landed next to my feet. It was out of the light right at the top of the spiral staircase bit so fell 30ft down and 6ft across before landing without a sound and still working afterwards. I crapped myself most verrily that night!

Best of all was in the good old early nineties, my sister used to listen to Technotronic (Pump up the Jam and all that jazz!) and after maybe 5 minutes the Hifi would switch itself off!!! At least it has taste!!

Me and my mates used to dare each other to sleep in the dining room and I used to wind them up - One guy who was the hardest of all of us wouldn't go to sleep until it was daylight!

Glad I don't live there anymore, although it never worries me when I go back there now.


14,055 posts

285 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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Glad I don't live there anymore, although it never worries me when I go back there now.
They still live there ?!