And today's commuting highlight is...

And today's commuting highlight is...



Original Poster:

19,706 posts

206 months

Thursday 3rd March 2016
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....joining a single line, single-file line of traffic being waved into the Blackwall Tunnel whilst being scrutinised by an officer of the law - bearing arms!

Old Bill had parked a RR at right angles across the tunnel approach, blocking everyone, and after a short wait they started waving people through the extreme LH lane whilst BiB stood there with his Hechler & Koch at the ready. eek Not something you see every day. Can only guess they were looking for someone specific.

CSB and all that.


57 months

Thursday 3rd March 2016
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They were looking for the knobber on the GS from the Commuter Carry On thread.


9,920 posts

237 months

Thursday 3rd March 2016
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I think you should call his bosses. He is at the wrong tunnel mouth.

Reardy Mister

13,757 posts

225 months

Friday 4th March 2016
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Do had two further commuting highlights this week.

The first was feeling something flapping against my helmet half way home and realising I had not done up my helmet - only about the third time I've ever done that in 16 years. As I was on the A3, I set the cruise control to 55ish, removed my right glove for extra dexterity and fastened the helmet, re-applied the glove and carried on my way. This made me happy.

The second was passing a 911 on a well known dual carriageway out of London and thinking "that's nice" then a Merc SL GT and thinking "that's very nice and if I was in the Porsche I'd be on his arse trying start something". A minute later, the GT comes by very quickly, I swing out behind it to find the Porsche WAS right on his arse and I was now in the way, swing straight back in, Porsche goes by and then straight back out and pin it.

I'm not financially comfortable enough to declare any details but what I can say is that I think the RT will do quite a bit more than what BMW declare as a top speed and it seems to get more stable, the faster you go.


6,909 posts

195 months

Friday 4th March 2016
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Reardy Mister said:
A minute later, the GT comes by very quickly, I swing out behind it to find the Porsche WAS right on his arse and I was now in the way, swing straight back in, Porsche goes by and then straight back out and pin it.
Didn't bother with a life saver then wink


1,473 posts

196 months

Friday 4th March 2016
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Reardy Mister said:
Do had two further commuting highlights this week.

The first was feeling something flapping against my helmet
I would regard that as having a great morning.


5,174 posts

188 months

Friday 4th March 2016
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3DP said:
I think you should call his bosses. He is at the wrong tunnel mouth.

Reardy Mister

13,757 posts

225 months

Friday 4th March 2016
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dibblecorse said:
Reardy Mister said:
A minute later, the GT comes by very quickly, I swing out behind it to find the Porsche WAS right on his arse and I was now in the way, swing straight back in, Porsche goes by and then straight back out and pin it.
Didn't bother with a life saver then wink
I did and there was room for me but it quickly became obvious I was going to be in the way biggrin


6,909 posts

195 months

Friday 4th March 2016
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Reardy Mister said:
dibblecorse said:
Reardy Mister said:
A minute later, the GT comes by very quickly, I swing out behind it to find the Porsche WAS right on his arse and I was now in the way, swing straight back in, Porsche goes by and then straight back out and pin it.
Didn't bother with a life saver then wink
I did and there was room for me but it quickly became obvious I was going to be in the way biggrin
Lol, was only jesting, we've all been there ...... got caught between a 911 and a C63 AMG once on the Westway out of London, didn't realise onw was chasing the other and my poor wheezy Multistrada was definately in the way !!!


6,511 posts

146 months

Friday 4th March 2016
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People are too bothered about guns in the UK. Being able to leave your rifle under the coffee table like my American relatives is much more refreshing smile

Reardy Mister

13,757 posts

225 months

Tuesday 22nd March 2016
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Today's commuting highlight:

I regularly see a guy on a Triumph Thruxton on my way in. You don't need to observe him for long to know he knows what he is doing. Wears a cool though obvious retro style lid and jacket. Like all of us he takes liberties in the traffic in the interests of making progress (that applies to road markings, CSBs and speed limits) and conducts himself fairly robustly around other commuting bikes. I've seen him a fair bit.

This morning he got caught up behind a skip truck alongside a pedestrian refuge. Pedestrian refuge was blocked entirely from his side by the truck and three lanes of traffic, on the right side there were no pedestrians to be seen and two oncoming lanes of empty road all the way to the lights. So I went around the pedestrian refuge. I know, I know but really in terms of either compliance or risk, it was no worse than the last 10 miles either of us had covered.

I proceed to the lights and hear shouting

"Oy! Oy!"

I lift my visor and he draws alongside.

"I'm *inaudbile* but not on duty right now. I am carrying a camera. You do that again and I'll nick ya!"

I assume he was talking about going around the pedestrian refuge and I assume he was a pleeceman. Either way, I thought it was wk. How he will distinguish my maneuver on his video from his own conduct and only bust me is entirely plausible - he is the law (possibly, I couldn't make it out) afterall and they do as they please - but claiming he was willing to do just that just gave me utter contempt for him. I've no issue with Rozzers being human and not totally law abiding. Or completely law abiding. But I cant stand one rule for me and one for them.

That is all.


669 posts

107 months

Tuesday 22nd March 2016
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You should have flipped him the bird and pulled a wheelie off the lights when they went to amber.

Sea Demon

1,160 posts

216 months

Tuesday 22nd March 2016
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This was my highlight, Costa cup complete with lid in a swivelling cup holder on a GS - anyone here? Was in Lee.


4,238 posts

224 months

Tuesday 22nd March 2016
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Sea Demon said:
This was my highlight, Costa cup complete with lid in a swivelling cup holder on a GS - anyone here? Was in Lee.

The lids have got a hole to drink out of haven't they? Going to get messy.

I used to pick one up at the Eurotunnel on my regular foreign jaunts and pop it into the carrying strap of my magnetic tank bag (perfect fit) just behind the top yoke so I could drink it on the half hour crossing.

Flipping speed bumps at Eurotunnel didn't help at all and the bike generally had coffee stains all over the headstock for that classy look til I gave it up as a bad job.


4,215 posts

234 months

Tuesday 22nd March 2016
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Sea Demon said:
This was my highlight, Costa cup complete with lid in a swivelling cup holder on a GS - anyone here? Was in Lee.

At least he kept the left hand pannier at home.. oh wait no its still as large as a f***ing barge even with just one fitted!
Why anyone would use panniers when you have a topbox already fitted is beyond me lol


Original Poster:

19,706 posts

206 months

Tuesday 22nd March 2016
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Sea Demon said:
This was my highlight, Costa cup complete with lid in a swivelling cup holder on a GS - anyone here? Was in Lee.

Seen him before! Hilarious!

Reardy Mister

13,757 posts

225 months

Friday 6th May 2016
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Yesterday's highlight, a truck had broken down on the A3 going past Putney. That tailed the traffic back all the way back to Kingston just about. I suspected there might be an alternate route and cut left about half a mile before the traffic lights, only to get pulled over by a waiting police car. Apparently you cant turn left there between 7am and 9:15am in the morning. With trucks in the left hand lane bumper to bumper, I couldn't have seen that sign anyway as I scooted across from Lane 3.

So it cost me 50 quid. Can anyone explain to me why constable fk-face didn't park at or across that entrance and stop people from making the turn in the first place, instead of waiting for them to do it and then pinging them 50 quid? s! I go about my daily business trying to stick up for the cops because on the whole I think they do a hard job well. But they don't fking make it easy for me.


9,803 posts

255 months

Friday 6th May 2016
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I have just started commuting to Staines and back, most days on the bike. Now this is not a pleasant journey, no matter the route and I do value my bikes and health and only go/filter as fast as I am comfortable. If I see another biker approaching faster than me, I happily move over.

I have seen, on a number of occasions a guy on some sort of fake Harley, with one of those streetfigher, goggled helmets on, retro jacket etc. He's happy to throw a load of abuse at me when he wants everyone out of the way, but when he can't manoeuvre his massive lump through traffic, will he get out of the way?

Also yesterday, I saw 4 bikers out, full kit, no gloves? confused


4,215 posts

234 months

Friday 6th May 2016
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Reardy Mister said:
Yesterday's highlight, a truck had broken down on the A3 going past Putney. That tailed the traffic back all the way back to Kingston just about. I suspected there might be an alternate route and cut left about half a mile before the traffic lights, only to get pulled over by a waiting police car. Apparently you cant turn left there between 7am and 9:15am in the morning. With trucks in the left hand lane bumper to bumper, I couldn't have seen that sign anyway as I scooted across from Lane 3.

So it cost me 50 quid. Can anyone explain to me why constable fk-face didn't park at or across that entrance and stop people from making the turn in the first place, instead of waiting for them to do it and then pinging them 50 quid? s! I go about my daily business trying to stick up for the cops because on the whole I think they do a hard job well. But they don't fking make it easy for me.
Suggest he was waiting there to ticket anyone who took that turn plain and simple.
Its selective - he's probably be better employed helping the traffic flow round the truck but no generating cash is far more important in the name of road safety.
Its a bit like the coach who 100% stopped and blocked the box junction at the cross roads south of tower bridge last night stopping even me and the other bikes from being able to cross the junction with a green light. When the two wheelers including myself finall got enough of a gap to round the back of the coach to cross the junction a number of cyclists who have jumped the red lights start shouting at us all. Who should be waiting at the junction opposite but a cop on a bike doing sweet F**K all about the the coach or the cyclists.. I really can't understand the role of the police in london sometimes. Oh yes thats right box junctions are a civil offense now enforceable by the local borough council in London and clearly its too much hassle and paperwork to ticket a few cyclists jumping red lights.


669 posts

107 months

Friday 6th May 2016
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sjtscott said:
Suggest he was waiting there to ticket anyone who took that turn plain and simple.
Its selective - he's probably be better employed helping the traffic flow round the truck but no generating cash is far more important in the name of road safety.
Its a bit like the coach who 100% stopped and blocked the box junction at the cross roads south of tower bridge last night stopping even me and the other bikes from being able to cross the junction with a green light. When the two wheelers including myself finall got enough of a gap to round the back of the coach to cross the junction a number of cyclists who have jumped the red lights start shouting at us all. Who should be waiting at the junction opposite but a cop on a bike doing sweet F**K all about the the coach or the cyclists.. I really can't understand the role of the police in london sometimes. Oh yes thats right box junctions are a civil offense now enforceable by the local borough council in London and clearly its too much hassle and paperwork to ticket a few cyclists jumping red lights.
I bet the Police biker would have got involved if you knocked over one of the cyclists jumping the lights!