RE: Oulton Race

Monday 19th August 2002

Oulton Race

Gugs back on top after four races - can he keep it there?



Original Poster:

1,353 posts

272 months

Tuesday 20th August 2002
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Just want to correct the write up, Peter Wheeler didn't "slip passed", he ran into my offside rear under excessive braking whilst attempting a move most of us wouldn't try on a playstation. The impact spun me off and as I was at that time in a very respectable position you can understand that I was very fcuked off. He did however say "sorry about that" when I met up with him as we parked up "didn't think you were going to turn in" He said.He was quite right of course, I intended to go straight on at Shell,dispite it being a 180' banked hairpin just to prove how safe the cars are when you slam them into the tyre wall!!!!! silly me.


Original Poster:

1,353 posts

272 months

Tuesday 20th August 2002
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Whilst in rant mode, what has motorsport come to when a driver gets an endorsment for a jump start, which gained no advantage having been held for 7 or 8 secs by a starter who should only hold the grid for between 1 and 4 secs. Bad luck Lee, that wasn't right, and that it lead to you being banned from the race on the tot up rule,that's well out of order.

Bert Taylor

87 posts

287 months

Tuesday 20th August 2002
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Just to carry on from the above, Tuscans needs cars and drivres on the track no sat in hornings not being used.
I would understand if Lee HAD TAKEN 6 CARS OUT AND MADE UP 5 PLACES but no he lost 7 places in to the 1st corner it just dosent make sense THEY SEAM TO BE TRYING TO CUT NUMBERS NOT INCREASE THEM, also most of the grid was moving, we lost 3 cars from the grid which could of been the best grid of the year.


34,443 posts

308 months

Tuesday 20th August 2002
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Wasn't this just a case of officialdom and rules rather than any malice? An observer reported Lee, but others got away with it (lights were on for far too long too). Rules being rules, they penalised him and then found out that he had other endorsements and had to ban him. Rules being rules, he didn't appeal within the appeal period.

I agree that it was ludicrous to exclude him on the strength of that, but that's just the way these things work isn't it? Can the clerk of the course override the rules?


189 posts

282 months

Tuesday 20th August 2002
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I agree that in this case rules x rules ended with Lee being banned, my point is that he should NOT have been endorsed for a jump start that in part was caused by the starter having another bite from his cheese roll, when he should have pressed the button within 1-4 secs, not 7-8 secs. Add to this Bert's comment,quite rightly that Lee gained no advantage and we have a total travesty of justice

Bert Taylor

87 posts

287 months

Tuesday 20th August 2002
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I Think what has happend with Lee was right on the points system, but not the way the the last endorsement
has been given, when half the grid was moving surley the clark of the course must be watching the grid, and should have made is decision on what he has seen not on somebodys report.
I thought the clark of the course was there to help, David Mason also got a endorsement for taking up is grid posion after is car wouldnt start on the warm up lap, surely the ten second penulty was enough it would seam the clark of the course had got out of bed on the wrong side for David and Lee anyway.2 years ago Ian Flux started the race before the red lights had come on and is punishment was a 10 second penulty.


1 posts

265 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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I dont see how it can be justified when there was no gain, if he had made up at least 1 place through his actions then he must be penalised a just amount, a 10 sec penalty would have been more than enough.
Only problem is what can you do now?
Will he be allowed to race at Snetterton in the replacement race???


Original Poster:

1,353 posts

272 months

Thursday 22nd August 2002
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I hope that he can race when they re-run the event, which is likely to be at Thruxton as the timetable at Snetterton is full. He gets his endorsements taken off today, 22nd August so as he qualified for the race he should be allowed to run. The only reason he didn't race was due to the endorsements on his licence, if they are no longer there,how can they stop him? Mind you, with all the rules available to them I'm worried that some faceless anal retentive type official will come up with some stupid little known rule that may stop him. Lets hope all the nasty little types are away on holiday, or attending an arsehole transplant convention.Bottoms up!!!