RE: Boost for Bikes?

Tuesday 5th June 2001

Boost for Bikes?

Will a new Labour Government live up to its promises?



Original Poster:

11,822 posts

292 months

Tuesday 5th June 2001
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What a load of old bollocks. We had all this crap the first time round with Tony Bliar sat astride a Triumph T595 with that stupid sickly grin making hollow promises (don''t get me started on Glenda Jackson!!!). What did we get in return? Knob all (except for more bike tax). What a bunch of flanges. How stupid do they think voters are?..... ...oh dear, THAT stupid! Car No. 13


69 posts

292 months

Tuesday 5th June 2001
quotequote all
I am afraid this holds true, I run a blade and a buell as well as my cars and the Labour party have done nothing on their original promise, on the contrary the parking slots around the west end have decreased and the anti bike lobby is as strong as ever.