Litter - I HATE IT!



Original Poster:

18,764 posts

267 months

Monday 19th August 2002
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One of the things which I think is a major indicator symbolising our route down the toilet as a country is our generally dismal performance in this department.
OK, this isn't exactly life and death but why is it that so many of our countryfolk are such complete peasants when it comes to disused produce wrappings?
This is a disease which appears peculiar to many of our big towns and cities: on a Saturday or Sunday morning the streets are covered in half eaten kebab boxes, pools of vomit, fags and their packets everywhere and enough cans and bottles to keep the entire recycling industries of Scandanavia going for a year.
In other countries, civilised people, long since risen above the primaeval urge to squat and crap in the middle of the road, use high tech things like waste bins to keep their environments, well, nice.
Why do Britons dump sh1t in their own back yard? And should we introduce stiff fines for transgressors?
Trivial, perhaps. Irritating? In extremis.
Thoughts, if you will...


39,731 posts

290 months

Monday 19th August 2002
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you get my vote there mate, I think it's down to the general lack of self respect some people have for themselves and the pride they take in appearing uneducated and independant of any form of self, I'm just looking forwrd to the day when I buy my little hide away in the south of France


40,146 posts

290 months

Monday 19th August 2002
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Im not sure about the west end but if you walk round the city square mile you wont find a waste bin anywhere the same for the major train stations. This may have something to do with terrorists, its easier to spot a suspect package if its in the open not in a waste bin.

Even so people could take their rubbish with them or find an appropiate place to dispose of it


13,739 posts

272 months

Monday 19th August 2002
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As a kid I was always taught to put bottles or packets in the litter, and i still do, and seeing people just drop rubbish in their wake winds me up straight away.
But when you find mattresses tied up neatly in half out in the country, you think "well if they drove all the way out here, why the f@ck could'ent they have gon to the tip?"


4,339 posts

285 months

Monday 19th August 2002
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I feel guilty throwing an apple core into a hedge in the countryside. I hate litter and you're right, this country is very bad.

I was amazed when I visited Malaysia, how amazingly clean and tidy their capital Kuala Lumpur was. I'd considered it to be a bit of a third world place on a par with Delhi, but no way, the place was spotless. Even the verges of their motorways were clean, tidy and regularly trimmed. If that's third world then Britain is fourth world.


2,133 posts

274 months

Monday 19th August 2002
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In total agreement with the views expressed here. On the short walk from my parking space to my flat I often divert to pick up litter and I'm convinced that my neighbours regard me as the local eccentric. Trouble is, the more we tidy up after these morons the more likely they are to treat the place as a landfill site.
Then there's fly-tipping and abandoned cars - don't get me started on that...


13,739 posts

272 months

Monday 19th August 2002
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And that was the other thing about us, we feel we have to follow along like some demented womble, beningly picking up after the great unwashed. When all you need to do is (as i did for a while) target a known lout, with my dicarded chip/pie at night end on my way home of a weekend, sorry seem to have cancelled out myself there somehow


985 posts

278 months

Monday 19th August 2002
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Talking of Kebab boxes, I'm a taxi driver, and picked up 2 well spoken chaps one night, with said boxes in hands. I asked them not to eat in the car, so they started to, but as it was a £25 fare (paid up front), I had to lump it. I dropped the first one off, noting where he lived, because he didn't take his box with him. I continued with the second one and dropped him off, only to find two boxes and contents all over the rear footwells. Now I had to return to town, going past the first blokes house. I gathered everything up, stopped outside his house, and emptied the chips all over the roof of the Lexus and put the empty boxes under the wipers. Ha!!!!!!


323 posts

267 months

Monday 19th August 2002
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I was following a Vectra along a country lane the other day, when all of a sudden, the driver lowers his window, bungs out what looked like a sweet wrapper, then raises the window again. Now I'd always thought people who drop litter were just lazy and ignorant, but that was even worse - he actually made more effort to litter the countryside than it would have taken to chuck the wrapper on the floor inside the car.

I'm not convinced stiffer fines for transgressors would be the answer - I'd rather see the punishment be made to fit the crime. Start with a day spent picking up litter in the local town centre with their bare hands, and increase the sentence if they're stupid enough to reoffend. And a similar punishment for scrotes who refuse to clean up after their dogs have s**t on the pavement and in parks, except it wouldn't be litter I'd have them scooping up with their bare hands...


8,293 posts

283 months

Monday 19th August 2002
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I've stopped people in the street for littering, and half the time they look at you like you have two heads.

To be honest though, some of these bottom feeders live in squalor like you wouldn't believe - my better half works as a housing officer for the council and some of the stories she comes back with would turn the strongest stomach. Asking these people "would you do that in you own home" is pretty pointless - yes, they would, and every 6 months the council come and literally shovel their houses out so they can get at the rats.


11,352 posts

270 months

Monday 19th August 2002
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Back on car note though - I hate the git who drives smoking the fag and flicks the butt out of the window. Too much to dirty youre bloody ash tray then but dont mind the poor biker following or the fact that it litters the road.


14,844 posts

273 months

Monday 19th August 2002
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Back on car note though - I hate the git who drives smoking the fag and flicks the butt out of the window. Too much to dirty youre bloody ash tray then but dont mind the poor biker following or the fact that it litters the road.

Last year I had the remnants of a McDonalds drive-thru meal for 2, complete with paper bag drinks etc thrown out of a passenger window which nearly took me off the bike, when I confonted them the people looked at me like I was crazy!


6,649 posts

269 months

Monday 19th August 2002
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Once again this is a subject close to my heart. For several years now, I have wondered why some inebriated dip stick (not necessarily pond life) on a Friday or Saturday night has to go along a town or village High street and kick over every full litter bin that they find and empty rubbish sacks left for the local authority to remove the following day.

What is the buzz?
Do they then go home to kick the cat as well?

If I see anyone emptying rubbish from a moving car, I pull them over and make them walk back and collect the offending items with the threat of arrest under section 25 PACE 1988 if they fail to do so ( Most people can't satisfy my requirement for service of summons if I feel that way inclined).
Sometimes this walk can be considerable if they are not on the ball when the blues come on.

The High street problem is a little different though and could to some extent be solved by shops not leaving refuse out to be thrown around.

The Kebab wrapper and food issue is a completely different one though. I cannot believe the state of some of the nicer towns that I work in which change their image after 10 O'clock at night. Suddenly the streets become full of young people in their late teens and early twenties in designer (type) clothes who behave like the worst football hooligans you come across. What is even more appaling is that the female element is little better than the male.

They have little empathy for anyone who may actually live above shop premises in the flats. They fight each other, chant football songs to the small hours and leave the remnants of their disgusting late night fill me ups all over the place which in turn attract all kinds of vermin such as foxes and rats.
They urinate in shop doorways (including the females) and show absolutely no regard for anyone else that may have to share the excesses of the previous night out the following day during trading hours.

I can only assume that after 10 O'clock at night, the streets become the domain of the young disaffected, arrogant, undisciplined youth of today who's main quodos in life is to acheive as much anebriation as they can to enhance status within their peer group.
They do not care for those that live amongst that domain or who follow them the following day, as the night and the streets are theirs to do with as they wish.

They know that they can get away with this behaviour because when they are arrested and put before the courts to answer their charges, they are dealt with by ineffective punishments. They are fined £25 for urinating in doorways (about half of what they spent in the first place to get in that state) or reprimanded.
They also know that once the few officers that are on duty are forced into acting and arresting someone, then there is no one to referee the rest of the night.

Then Tony Blair states that they will not be arrested at all for this kind of anti social behaviour. They will,be marched to the nearest cash point and relieved of £40 from their account.
When did Tony Blair even bother to find out about the real world? He has obviously never experienced trying to deal with a drunken crowd of abusive youths. The man must have arrived on the last bannana boat.

Does he really think that they are going to go willingly to the nearest ATM and hand over the card, the pin number if they can remember it in that state?
Are the Police going to be allowed to search the alleged offender for a bank card and then torture him to reveal the pin number.

These people fight and fight hard. Most are more than capable of taking on 2 or 3 Police officers to get them into the back of a van.

I am afraid from what I see, local councils also have a big part to answer. Take Reading Town Centre. Friar Street alone has over 20 theme bars with associated late night fast food shops. When commercial premises fold under the pressure of increasing overheads, the Theme bar breweries come in with planning applications and are very rarely opposed. To disuade those that would p*ss in shop doorways the council have erected outside the Town hall, a temporary urinal that raises from the ground at 9 O'clock in the evening. It is floodlit and has no privacy whatsoever. There are three urinals back to back on a pillar in the middle of the street. You see streams of youths walking up to this facility with their equipment already unsheathed for action. They then empty the contents of their bladders and walk away still unsheathed while they try to re-locate the offending item within their lower garments.

These places are also a hotbed of allegations of assault ranging from common assault through to serious woundings. All in the name of having a good time.

Councils, Tony Blair and the large leisure companies are the culprits that are turning town centres into vermin pits. Rats now clear up after rats.

Sorry about the rant but it only used to be Friday and Saturday nights. Now it is every night of the week except Sundays.


>> Edited by madcop on Monday 19th August 23:41


1,947 posts

290 months

Tuesday 20th August 2002
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don't appologise Madcop wholeheartedly agree

The litter thing is again parenting. I now can't drop litter, I'm the kind of pr@t that if some litter blows out of my hand I will run down the street to try and get it, doing the famous "stamping foot march"

It is clearly a sign of inteligence IMHO. I have often stopped litterers and said "would you mind picking that up" and the looks you get are ones of utter confusion.


211 posts

272 months

Tuesday 20th August 2002
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In Nottingham the little scroats seem to piss in a shop front, drop all their litter as they stumble home/looking for a taxi and then smash the glass panels on bus shelters. I drive to work quite early in the morning and quite regularly see 3 or 4 smashed in one after the other. I dont know if this is just Nottingham but it seems to be getting worse. Why do the bus companies just keep replacing them.


Original Poster:

18,764 posts

267 months

Tuesday 20th August 2002
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Well done MadCop - nice to see the man who should be Chief Commissioner enforcing a frogmarch approach to those who transgress during daily working hours.
However, the chances of the police being effective during the drinking hours are, as the man suggests, zero, due to the police's tied hands brief and the fact that short of using water cannon (hmmm, I wonder?), hordes of drunken animals are not exactly easy to deter or tame.
Clearly though, I suspect most people who create sh1t on the streets are litter bugs all the time and perhaps if they were persecuted with a similar zeal to that applied in filming people doing 90mph on the motorway it might in the longer term mean that they think before they drop litter/puke/crap/urinate/spit and we might just have an altogether greener and more pleasant land...
But whatever, I'm convinced this is a societal ill which is depressingly typical of Britain at this point in it's history. Can you imagine any other country - even so called third world nations - as described above - putting up with something as crap, literally, as litter? You just don't get it to anything like the same degree across Europe - their councils (actually, the local Mayors, in fact, in France) and governments just wouldn't tolerate it. Why?
Because they have a basic pride in themselves and their country.
This is thin end of the wedge stuff, for sure and the inactivity on behalf of us all that allows a million filthy sh1theads most weekends to be the scourge of our villages, towns and cities is the same one that sits meekly by whilst 2 million economic migrants descend on Albion to take the p1ss just a little bit more, or contemplates assaulting Iraq when it's priority in international military matters should be the wholescale dethronement of that genocidal, racist pig, Mugabe, in Rhodesia.
I have paused. But the rant will go on. Grrrr...


8,756 posts

276 months

Tuesday 20th August 2002
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you get my vote there mate, I think it's down to the general lack of self respect some people have for themselves and the pride they take in appearing uneducated and independant of any form of self, I'm just looking forwrd to the day when I buy my little hide away in the south of France

Where the free republican proletariat p**s at the side of the road, let kiddies crap in the gutter (in town) and other such wholesome practices???? I've often had to dode friges and other things on french motorways (the no-pay ones). DO NOT believe that the french are clean..... Their own press (Paris Match)confirmed them (in 1997 I believe) with the lowest usage of soap and toothpaste per head in Europe, highest bottled pong users, and the smelliest toilets in the world.!!!!!!!!!


3,198 posts

271 months

Tuesday 20th August 2002
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Im not sure about the west end but if you walk round the city square mile you wont find a waste bin anywhere the same for the major train stations. This may have something to do with terrorists, its easier to spot a suspect package if its in the open not in a waste bin.

Even so people could take their rubbish with them or find an appropiate place to dispose of it

agree with this - so many places these days esp london seem to have few if any litter bins - no railway stations etc seem to have them any more. Same goes for public toilets - there seems to be less and less of these and those that there are u wouldnt dare go in!


8,756 posts

276 months

Tuesday 20th August 2002
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Once again this is a subject close to my heart. For several years now, I have wondered why some inebriated dip stick (not necessarily pond life) on a Friday or Saturday night has to go along a town or village High street and kick over every full litter bin that they find and empty rubbish sacks left for the local authority to remove the following day.

What is the buzz?
Do they then go home to kick the cat as well?


Sorry about the rant but it only used to be Friday and Saturday nights. Now it is every night of the week except Sundays.


Too True Madcop, you get my support for every time you pick up one of those dirty little shits and force them to clean up their mess!!! And couldn't agree more about the imbecilic females who seem even worse than the sad male scrotes. They have mouths on them like a garbage tip and manners of whores...... Sorry not correct worse than whores


11,352 posts

270 months

Tuesday 20th August 2002
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Going to give it all away now!
I was on patrol when I passed a car going in the opposite direction. As it passed the rear passenger threw a crisp packet out of the open window.
I turned and pulled the car over.
The joy was that the driver paniced and slamed the brakes on.
The 3 plants he had on his back shelf all lurched forward into the front seats covering him and his passenger in soil.
He initially argued the point then questioned his rear seated daughter who admitted shed done it.
One soiled and appologetic driver!

Summary justice sometimes works!