RE: Bentley Boys Online

RE: Bentley Boys Online

Monday 4th June 2001

Bentley Boys Online

New Website to follow Le Mans progress



Original Poster:

16,369 posts

292 months

Monday 4th June 2001
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when you say went live today, you mean they''ve put up a home page that doesnt go anywhere.. Lets hope they dont do the same with the racer


34,443 posts

311 months

Monday 4th June 2001
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when you say went live today, you mean they''ve put up a home page that doesnt go anywhere.. Lets hope they dont do the same with the racer
I got the impression that if you signed up then you got access to the features. Is that not the case (I didn't try signing up!).

Graham and Rosie

850 posts

292 months

Tuesday 5th June 2001
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I signed up, and as of today you get the info, before that it was a wait and see thing...haven't read it yet, but got an email advising it has all started i had no problems filling in the boxes, maybe it is a Netscape/IE thing? ================ Graham and Rosie


Original Poster:

16,369 posts

292 months

Tuesday 5th June 2001
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MMM its far to clever i think. whats all this episodes to be release crap.... and where is there any usefull info they only half good bit is the shop and then the piccies are too small. a case of tried rarther too hard and came up with a load of sh*t i think... I do hope the car is much better than their web performace so far..... I also hate it when a site forces itself to full screen, feels too much like a dodgy porn site to me when it does that... ( not that i've ever bit to a porn site... well erm )