


Original Poster:

996 posts

291 months

Friday 1st June 2001
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A413 out of Aylesbury to Winslow, loads of twisty bits with stacks of vision. No Gatsos either!, but as Ted mentioned you can enjoy this one without breaking any speed limits


2,977 posts

292 months

Saturday 2nd June 2001
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Agree! I'll be travelling that way on my way north to Banbury tomorrow morning...


28 posts

292 months

Tuesday 26th June 2001
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Well as someboy who lives on that road (Watermead - just as you leave Aylesbury) I get to drive it loads in the Chimp 4.0. Great fun even if there are a few too many Sunday drivers... What makes it real fun is following the road through to Buickingham, then on to Stowe, then past mecca (Silverstone) then a right to the A5 and back to Buckingham to re-join the 413. Great fun!!! And Hi to all those who saw an Exige and my Chimp 'having a lot of fun' last Saturday around noon ))