RE: A515



Original Poster:

3,998 posts

290 months

Friday 1st June 2001
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Very nice road I drivce it a lot, only problems can be alot of tourist traffic / caravans. There are no fixed cameras and the police are not there that often. Beware unmarked bikes and cars as this is a favorite with fast bikes. When you get to Buxton head out west to Macclesfield over the moors past the Cat & Fiddle pub ( Highest in England). Again fantastic road, can be alot of slow traffic at times.

Neil Menzies

5,167 posts

292 months

Monday 4th June 2001
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Re. pub grub, if you take the B5055 off this to Monyash (about 1 mile off the road) there's an excellent pub for food.


1 posts

282 months

Wednesday 6th June 2001
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It is good, but you're a bit optimistic with the traffic score! I find it's getting busier these days, I use it as alternative to sitting in the queue at Hilton Park and I'm sure others do too. Had a great run down here with a fellow TVR one day until we nearly went into the back of a tractor..!


34,443 posts

311 months

Wednesday 6th June 2001
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That may be as I've only used it at weekends?