These "Roundabout Drifters" in Fleet & Farnborough..

These "Roundabout Drifters" in Fleet & Farnborough..



Original Poster:

740 posts

295 months

Tuesday 8th September 2015
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Keep the noise down when you are out drifting in the early hours, I am trying to sleep....

But it sounds like you are having fun ;-)

Evidence on most large roundabouts in the area now.

What's it all about then??


Motown Junk

2,041 posts

228 months

Tuesday 8th September 2015
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Blame Lakelord...


9,383 posts

262 months

Tuesday 8th September 2015
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You see the evidence of and hear it quite often at the roundabout by the old Quays.


Original Poster:

740 posts

295 months

Tuesday 8th September 2015
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Who's Lakelord?

Near me (I'm in Fleet) the "new" roundabout near Pyestock (Runabout), All around the Kennels Lane/QinetiQ roundabouts, Elvetham Heath Roundabouts, Bourley Road Roundabout, all over really. I find myself actively checking roundabouts for "activity"..

Makes me sound sad really wink


9,383 posts

262 months

Tuesday 8th September 2015
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I'm round the corner from Pyestock and just got a new tyre smoker car. Might have to christen it and wake you up wink


Original Poster:

740 posts

295 months

Tuesday 8th September 2015
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edc- ha ha let me know when, I will let you know if I can hear you in Church Crookham, if it's the AMG in your profile I probably will :-D


24,396 posts

232 months

Tuesday 8th September 2015
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You should see the state of the Tring figure of eight roundabout some mornings! Its covered in rubber...

Ive heard them up there at half twelve to one in the summer.

Im almost jealous.


5,027 posts

213 months

Wednesday 9th September 2015
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The Peanut roundabout that connects Ascot with Windsor Great Park/ Legoland had a HUGE set of drift marks the whole way round it a few weeks ago.


2,193 posts

226 months

Wednesday 9th September 2015
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That new Pyestock roundabout does seem to get a lot of action judging from the road surface!

That doesn't bother me but using the EH ones in the middle of the night does, although it's not that frequent luckily. There are some loud tricked up MX5's around which could be the culprits!


Original Poster:

740 posts

295 months

Wednesday 9th September 2015
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Hi JackReacher - Yep the new Pysetock one does seem to of taken a hammering.

I guess they move on before the Police arrive?

Someone I know saw some of the culprits on the EH roundabout and said it was "Some older men in posh cars"!!

I know what you mean about the MX5's, there is a green one and gold one which are my main suspects laugh

And yes, maybe I am a bit jealous.. whistle


9,383 posts

262 months

Wednesday 9th September 2015
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The ones at BMW and by the council dump/airport are quite wide ...


986 posts

217 months

Thursday 10th September 2015
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I to have noticed this. Is the Pyestock the round about with 2 exit and entry points... i.e. pointless!

I'll keep an eye out the TVR in Church Crookham.


696 posts

229 months

Friday 11th September 2015
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I stay late at work (Farnborough business park) so I can get some sideways action on the way home.


2,193 posts

226 months

Sunday 13th September 2015
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Maybe it's BMW UK employees checking their cars are still rear wheel drive

loose cannon

6,041 posts

252 months

Monday 14th September 2015
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bracken78 said:
I to have noticed this. Is the Pyestock the round about with 2 exit and entry points... i.e. pointless!

I'll keep an eye out the TVR in Church Crookham.
I think that roundabout is in preparation for The uk's biggest warehouse storage centre,
Make the most of that road because soon it will be full of lorrys day and night

Dr Interceptor

8,105 posts

207 months

Monday 14th September 2015
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I always try in in the Golf, but the 4wd won't let me have much fun.

Bradfords roundabout down by Farnborough Gate is my favourite, loads of space.

loose cannon

6,041 posts

252 months

Monday 14th September 2015
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Just watch out for the cameras watching you at the end by bradfords garage on big poles not sure if they would see though tbh
There was a story on get Hampshire about drifters and how they had installed cameras to catch the perpetrators,
A young lad down my road claims his m8 was banned , caught red doing it at the roundabout next to bmw headquarters
He was filmed then nicked by plod got a year's ban for dangerous driving, I occasionally here them at night but not so much recently though could just be me in a coma , now I hear late every Sunday night someone burning around on a single piston 4 stroke bike sounds like a moto 3 bike keeps riding around and around in a big circuit but I do sleep with my window open so I hear any racing about, unfortunately my e46 330 tourer doesn't drift at all well otherwise you might be able to blame me for it at some point


Original Poster:

740 posts

295 months

Friday 18th September 2015
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So, signs of "Activity" on the resurfaced roundabout at the Crookham Crossroads (by the Tescos garage, Fleet) this morning. Tiny roundabout in comparison..

And 2 modified MX5's often seen nearby.


Is it sad I am actively checking roundabouts wink

MX-5 Lazza

7,954 posts

230 months

Friday 18th September 2015
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It's not me!


Original Poster:

740 posts

295 months

Friday 18th September 2015
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Ha ha ha MX5-Lazza, wasn't for one minute suggesting it was smile. 1 green MK1, 1 goold-ish Mk2 in Fleet, both look cracking.

Sure it isn't even them, although I was following the green one once whilst out and he was "enjoying" some of the roundabouts biggrin